A database for my data

From: ANT_THOMAS16 Feb 2009 22:55
To: steve 101 of 158
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in C:\wamp\www\full-iftest.php on line 41

After adding a } it still doesn't like it. Clearly has an issue with the else statement.
From: dave (10_ROGUE)16 Feb 2009 23:01
To: ANT_THOMAS 102 of 158

What about the missing { before the else?


and by before I do ofcourse mean after.

EDITED: 16 Feb 2009 23:02 by 10_ROGUE
From: empathy16 Feb 2009 23:47
To: ANT_THOMAS 103 of 158
missing semicolon?
From: ANT_THOMAS17 Feb 2009 00:08
To: empathy 104 of 158
Possibly that! It works now :)
From: ANT_THOMAS23 Mar 2009 22:41
To: ALL105 of 158

Yay, another question, and most likely an easy one to answer. I am trying to make my thingy easier to make changes to in the future and because I am currently doing things in a retarded manner I want to change things.


I currently have a few separate pages/files to show entries in certain ways


full.php - standard single entry based on id
full5.php - as above but 5 entries
fullc.php - pulls single entry based on code
fullr.php - pulls single entry based on lab book ref


I realise this is very much the wrong way to do things, hence why I want to change it.


I currently decide things things based on using $_GET




I have easily got rid of the one to pull 5 entries so that's not a problem. I want to now combine all the others so I can for example use any of these:




I use these to get the values:


$tableid = $_GET['id'];
$tablecode = $_GET['code'];
$ref = $_GET['ref'];


But how do I now tell it to fetch the record based on which is actually present?


There will only ever be one of those there at any one time. I assume using some sort of if else null statements would sort it but I'm not sure how to go about it.

From: ANT_THOMAS24 Mar 2009 00:25
To: ALL106 of 158
Right, I think I may be somewhere along the right lines but it doesn't work...

I have :

PHP code:
$get = $_GET['get'];
if $get == ('AT###')
{$query  = "SELECT * FROM nmr WHERE code = $ref LIMIT $ent ";}
else if $get == ("ATr###")
{$query = "SELECT * FROM nmr WHERE labbookref = $ref ";}
else $get == ("###") 
{$query = "SELECT * FROM nmr WHERE id >= $ref LIMIT $ent ";}

$ent is just the number of entries to fetch.

$get is either going to be either of these

AT### - (code)
ATr### - (labbookref)
### - (id)

How? :C
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Mar 2009 01:09
To: ANT_THOMAS 107 of 158
You can use a regular expression to identify things.

Not sure if this is exactly right PHP syntax, but something along these lines should work...

php code:
preg_match ( /^(ATr?)?(.*)$/ , $get , $groups );
$ref= $groups[2];
$query = "SELECT * FROM nmr ";
switch( $groups[1] )
	case 'AT':
		$query .= "WHERE code = $ref";
	case 'ATr':
		$query .= "WHERE labbookref = $ref";	
		$query .= "WHERE id >= $ref";
$query .= "LIMIT $ent";
EDITED: 24 Mar 2009 01:11 by BOUGHTONP
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Mar 2009 01:27
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 108 of 158
Thank you for the reply.

I've managed to get it to work using what is probably an unorthadox way but it works :D

PHP code:
$get = $_GET['get'];
$ent= $_GET['ent']+1;
$grab = $_GET['grab'];
if ($get == "a")
{$query = "SELECT * FROM nmr WHERE id >= '$grab' LIMIT $ent ";}
if ($get == "b")
{$query  = "SELECT * FROM nmr WHERE code = '$grab' LIMIT $ent ";}
if ($get == "c")
{$query = "SELECT * FROM nmr WHERE labbookref = '$grab' ";}

Using a link along the lines of:

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)24 Mar 2009 10:43
To: ANT_THOMAS 109 of 158
Beware of putting input directly into SQL queries.
From: koswix24 Mar 2009 15:39
To: ALL110 of 158
*spooky music & lightning*
From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Aug 2010 18:29
To: ALL111 of 158
Yay, more of me coding and being shit at it.

Simple one (I think)

I have a database with this table..

date day month year dayofweek weight
2010-08-03 03 August 2010 Tuesday 82.5

And that's an example of the data within it.

All I want to do is to be able to select certain rows based on month and year, or year

Everything from August 2010
Everything from 2010

I'm guessing using WHERE is the way to go and currently I'm going for it using the URL and grabing the variable from there but I have an issue.

PHP code:
$month = $_GET['month'];
$year = $_GET['year'];

PHP code:
$sql="SELECT * FROM weight WHERE month='$month' & year='$year' OR year='$year'";

Eg :

1) http://server/page.php?year=2010 - Gives everything from 2010

2) http://server/page.php?month=August&year=2010 - Gives everything from 2010 and not August 2010

I can kinda see why it's happening but don't know how to sort it :C
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 Aug 2010 18:36
To: ANT_THOMAS 112 of 158

You'll need to check whether month is set and if so use the month & year query and if not just query on the year.


I don't think it's reasonably doable in a single statement.




if ($month != "") {
$sql="SELECT * FROM weight WHERE month='$month' & year='$year';
} else {
$sql="SELECT * FROM weight WHERE year='$year'";


(although someone may well have a cleverer solution)

EDITED: 3 Aug 2010 18:36 by X3N0PH0N
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Aug 2010 18:43
To: ANT_THOMAS 113 of 158
Here's the cleverer solution that doesn't repeat code. :)

php code:
$sql="SELECT * FROM weight WHERE year='$year'";
if ($month != "") $sql .= "AND month='$month'";

Some people will probably complain that if statement should be using braces, but meh. Works either way.
EDITED: 3 Aug 2010 18:45 by BOUGHTONP
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 Aug 2010 18:48
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 114 of 158
Clever lad.
From: Matt 3 Aug 2010 18:56
To: ANT_THOMAS 115 of 158
You're falling foul of operator precedence. The OR in your SQL statement is matching everything from 2010, which undoes the other WHERE clauses.

SQL code:
SELECT * FROM weight WHERE month='August' AND year='2010' OR year='2010'

gives you the same result set as:

SQL code:
SELECT * FROM weight WHERE year='2010'

If you ever need to combine OR and AND in your WHERE clause you'll need to bracket them correctly. For example, to get matches for August 2010 and everything in 2010 you would do:

SQL code:
SELECT * FROM weight WHERE (month='August' AND year='2010') OR year='2011'

As for combining your query strings. You'll have to perform tests in PHP and construct the SQL you need based on the presence of the URL query variables

PHP code:
if (isset($_GET['month'], $_GET['year'])) {
    $month = mysql_escape_string($month);
    $year = mysql_escape_string($year);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM weight WHERE month = '$month' AND year = '$year'";
} else if (isset($_GET['month'])) {
    $month = mysql_escape_string($month);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM weight WHERE month = '$month'";
} else if (isset($_GET['year'])) {
    $year = mysql_escape_string($year);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM weight WHERE year = '$year'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

Note the use of mysql_escape_string too. It's your best friend.
From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Aug 2010 19:02
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 116 of 158
What Drew said, it works great.

Next question

I'm wanting to use some input boxes to enter the month and/or year to generate the URLs.

The one for just year works fine
HTML code:
<input type="text" id="year" value="Enter Year"/>
<button type="button" onclick="location.href='./date.php?year='+document.getElementById('year').value;">Go To</button></div>

But I want it to grab two variables for the year and month one
HTML code:
<input type="text" id="month" value="Enter Month"/>
<input type="text" id="year1" value="Enter Year"/>
<button type="button" onclick="location.href='./date.php?month='+document.getElementById('month').value'&year='+document.getElementById('year1').value;">Go To</button

Unsurprisingly this messy thing doesn't work.
From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Aug 2010 19:07
To: Matt 117 of 158

What's this mysql_escape_string chap and what does it do for me?


(As I'm sure you're aware you code works perfectly well also :D )

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Aug 2010 19:14
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 118 of 158
And yet still flawed. :(

I did think it should be doing isset instead of != "", but decided to trust you instead of looking it up.

And in either case I should have mentioned escaping. :'(

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Aug 2010 19:18
To: ANT_THOMAS 119 of 158
Hmmm, unless I'm being crazy, can you just do this:

html code:
<form action="./date.php" method="get">
	<input type="text" id="year" name="year" value="Enter Year" />
	<button type="submit">Go To</button>
<form action="./date.php" method="get">
	<input type="text" id="month" name="month" value="Enter Month/>
	<input type="text" id="year1" name="year" value="Enter Year" />
	<button type="submit">Go To</button>


(you may also need to restyle the form tags to remove margins/etc this way, but it's a better way than doing onclick=location.href stuff)
EDITED: 3 Aug 2010 19:20 by BOUGHTONP
From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Aug 2010 19:22
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 120 of 158
Indeed you can, much much nicer. Thanks!