Teh Feel-good Album

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)16 Nov 2008 03:55
To: patch 46 of 104

It's dark, there is no weather.
From: patch16 Nov 2008 04:11
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 47 of 104
Don't be ridiculous. It's bright sunshine out there.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)16 Nov 2008 04:13
To: patch 48 of 104



Are you sure you're not just looking into another room or something rather than outside? Maybe the fridge?


It's definitely night time.

EDITED: 16 Nov 2008 04:14 by X3N0PH0N
From: patch16 Nov 2008 04:27
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 49 of 104
Its too warm to be the fridge, and too bright to be night time. Face it, you're wrong.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)16 Nov 2008 04:34
To: patch 50 of 104
Perhaps it's just cloudy here then :(
From: patch16 Nov 2008 04:44
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 51 of 104
If it's dark, though, how will you be able to tell?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)16 Nov 2008 04:49
To: patch 52 of 104
I will get a sponge and throw it upwards with all my might, if it comes down damp then it must be cloudy.
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Nov 2008 17:39
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 53 of 104
Was it?
From: Voltane16 Nov 2008 19:07
To: patch 54 of 104

The Mad Capsule Markets - Good Day


PM has been sent.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)17 Nov 2008 05:45
To: ANT_THOMAS 55 of 104
Yes :(

It's cloudy again now :(
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)18 Nov 2008 19:22
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 56 of 104
35334.26 In reply to 35334.25
I don't deal in links. Last time we just emailed them to Fozza and a CD appeared. I might just email mine to Fozza again, just for fun.

EDITED: 18 Nov 2008 19:23 by FOZZA
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)18 Nov 2008 19:28
To: patch 57 of 104

I thought about doing this some months ago.
Mine thought was an Album you have to tap your foot too and smile.

However I think feel good album sums that up better.

Good luck in pulling it all together. :)

My offering is this.
Venga Boys - Up and Down
From: andy18 Nov 2008 19:48
To: ALL58 of 104
kinda don't want to get involved with this because of associations with posts like ^the above, but in the spirit of "community":

alice cooper - poison
From: y2rich18 Nov 2008 20:16
To: andy 59 of 104

Haven't heard that since cheese night at Uni.
From: patch18 Nov 2008 22:00
To: ALL60 of 104
This is what it's up to so far:

Rendle - Don't Stop Me Now by Queen (Need link)
Mr Bastard - Bright Side of the Road by Van Morrison (Need link)
Moorlock - Sob Story by Minor Threat
Matt - I'm Gonna Be by The Proclaimers (Need link, or a change of mind)
Wattsy - Follow The Day by The Polyphonic Spree
Patch - Gin Soaked Boy by The Divine Comedy
Xen - It Was a Good Day by Ice Cube (Need link)
Milko - I don't know (Need a choice. And a link, too)
Almor - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life by Monty Python (Need link)
Manthorp - Rock Lobster by The B52s
Linn - Smells Like Happiness by Hidden Cameras
Steve - Summertime by The Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff (Need link)
Y2Rich - Buck Rogers by Feeder
PB - Tuku-Taka by Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankoulov
Kriv - Hey ya by Outkast (Need link)
Yve - Smile! by REM(Need link)
Voltane - Good Day by The Mad Capsule Markets
Fozza - Up and Down by Venga Boys
Andy - Poison by Alice Cooper
Mouse - Broken by the Wheel by Crazy Arm

Anyone feel like knocking up some artwork?
EDITED: 28 Nov 2008 00:58 by PATCH
From: Mouse21 Nov 2008 18:52
To: patch 61 of 104
Is it too late to chuck an addition in?
From: Mouse21 Nov 2008 19:10
To: Mouse 62 of 104

(If it's not I'd like to be a bastard and offer up an obscure unsigned band. Crazy Arm - Broken by the Wheel. It's on myspace.com/crazyarm I thnk but I'll get an mp3 to you. IT MAKES ME HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY)

From: Linn (INDYLS)22 Nov 2008 01:48
To: Mouse 63 of 104
If it makes you happy, I'm quite sure it will make the rest of us happy too. Send Patch whats needed. ASAP!!
From: patch22 Nov 2008 13:44
To: Mouse 64 of 104
Oops. Forgot to reply to this. Send it over. I still haven't got half the music mentioned, and no-one's volunteering for the artwork, so I don't think this is going to get done anytime soon.
From: paul22 Nov 2008 21:09
To: patch 65 of 104
<files under 'Kenny'>
