Some Random Googles

From: dyl 3 Oct 2008 17:30
To: Ally 31 of 40
I don't understand.
Message 35054.32 was deleted
From: Ally 4 Oct 2008 12:23
To: dyl 33 of 40

Well, some spidering searchbot type thing evidently found a very old CV on my web site. It then posted it on and it's become the first result in Google for my name.


Which is pretty bloody annoying, given that people who hire you these days often do Google you. So not only is my first Google result four years out of date it's also on some web site discussing Islam, which might lead to some confusion as to exactly what type of business I want to be working in.

EDITED: 4 Oct 2008 12:23 by ALLY
From: Ally 4 Oct 2008 12:24
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 34 of 40
It is, yes. And of course, the site has no contact details at all, and the WHOIS is masked. Joy.
From: Dave!! 4 Oct 2008 13:29
To: dyl 35 of 40

Ace :D


Other searches I like:


"idiot welshman%2 :?
where the fuck is my ebuyer order :'D
hire a porsche in leeds with no deposit :|
asda noodles :?
WebFusion are cocks :D
how to make jelly eels :? :? :?
can vegans ride horses? (bounce)
"this is an Asterix system tray icon" :?
silent owls graphics - I wonder where this came from?!
asterix tray icon :? :?
stupid yanks site:.u :D :D
what do tadpoles eat - W. T. F. ???!!
rachel gets fruity (bounce)
asstapping (bounce) (bounce)
ann robinson spanking :-((


Best of all though:


"tampon poisoning" LMAO

EDITED: 4 Oct 2008 13:39 by DAVE!!
From: Mouse 4 Oct 2008 16:30
To: milko 36 of 40
Mehehe! The Vonrectumstein Coalition is my mates old band from Manchester. They were bonkers they were.
From: MrTrent 4 Oct 2008 16:55
To: Dave!! 37 of 40
That's actually got me curious now. What do tadpoles eat?
Message 35054.38 was deleted
From: Manthorp 4 Oct 2008 17:47
To: MrTrent 39 of 40
Wildebeest. Everything eats Wildebeest.
EDITED: 4 Oct 2008 17:50 by MANTHORP
From: JonCooper 4 Oct 2008 17:53
To: ALL40 of 40
where the fuck is my ebuyer order

:-D I love that one :-D