
From: Woggy 7 Sep 2008 23:32
To: ALL6 of 18
It's appeared for me too in firefox, not there in chrome.
From: MrTrent 8 Sep 2008 00:09
To: JonCooper 7 of 18
how did you get that then ?
I don't know, that's why i was asking.
From: Matt 8 Sep 2008 18:42
To: MrTrent 8 of 18
Is it still happening?

Oh and where should I send your prize for worst bug report ever submitted?
From: Woggy 8 Sep 2008 18:53
To: Matt 9 of 18
Still happening for me too.
From: Jo (JELLS) 8 Sep 2008 19:18
To: Matt 10 of 18
I'm getting it too - using Firefox.
From: MrTrent 8 Sep 2008 19:19
To: Matt 11 of 18

It's fixed on the message page, but it's still there on the start page.


And i thought it was a very effective bug report, to be honest. Short, too the point and easy to understand. My only disappointment was that i wasn't allowed to save the image as ?.


EDIT: I just checked the start page again and it wasn't there this time. It was definitely there a minute ago when i logged in. I'll rty logging out and in again and see if it comes back.


EDIT 2: Okay, it was there on the login page, but buggered off after i'd actually logged in.

EDITED: 8 Sep 2008 19:25 by MRTRENT
From: Matt 8 Sep 2008 19:57
To: MrTrent 12 of 18
Effective, maybe. Helpful, not a chance.

Helps to know which browser you're using, if you've tried to resolve it anyway, like clearing cache and cookies, if applicable steps required to reproduce it, etc. All that sort of thing.

Means I don't have to guess or write posts like this.
From: MrTrent 8 Sep 2008 20:13
To: Matt 13 of 18
Fair enough. Firefox 3, not done anything to try and resolve it as it's not a big enough problem for me to actually put any effort into anything.

And it's back. Login, start and messages page.
From: MrTrent 8 Sep 2008 20:16
To: MrTrent 14 of 18
Just logged in again using IE7 and it ain't there.
From: Matt 8 Sep 2008 20:50
To: MrTrent 15 of 18
Can you try FireFox in safe-mode, so your extensions, themes and plugins are all disabled, and see if that does anything.

Also, if you use a larger than normal font-size in Beehive or in your browser can you try the default for both.
From: MrTrent 8 Sep 2008 22:09
To: Matt 16 of 18
Using safe mode now and it's not here. However, when i logged in a minute ago and saw this post i was using normal mode and it wasn't there. It seems to be rather random. Font size is default for all.
From: MrTrent 8 Sep 2008 22:11
To: MrTrent 17 of 18
Back in normal mode and it's still not there. Go figure.
From: Woggy 9 Sep 2008 18:44
To: Matt 18 of 18
Gone for me too now :{)