Fubar Pizza

From: Chris (CHRISSS) 7 Aug 2011 16:36
To: craig (CHARTLEY) 33 of 34

A rather late reply to this. Does that warm up in the oven before placing the pizza on it? Does it cook them nicerer?


Someone on Dragon's Den a little while ago invented a magic pizza cookerer. Well, a metallic dome that you heat in the oven and place the pizza on to cook. Supposed to stop frozen pizzas being soggy in the middle.

From: craig (CHARTLEY)11 Aug 2011 18:51
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 34 of 34

I'm afraid it's a late reply back, sorry!


The pizza stone needs to warm up in the oven for a good chunk of time before the pizza goes in onto it. Totally worth using 3 times the amount of electricity though for the end result.