Wow after 8 years

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 6 Aug 2008 22:55
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 2 of 53
I remember you. :)

Has it really been 8 years?!
From: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 6 Aug 2008 23:00
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 of 53

yup mental isnt it, I have grey bits in my beard now and 2 kids its been that long, I would ask how are you, what you been upto but how do you cover 8 years in a sentence would love to see how many are still on here.





From: paul 6 Aug 2008 23:02
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 4 of 53

You got me there, no idea who that is/was!

Welcome back dude, pull up a chair.


From: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 6 Aug 2008 23:06
To: paul 5 of 53

Actually thinking about it that wasnt the user name i was thining of crist the guy who started the dragon thing with the eggs jesus I cant believe i remember thats


looked like david bellamy

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 6 Aug 2008 23:14
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 6 of 53
Simon Roberts.

He did give himself an odd nickname, not sure it was exactly seropith, but it might have been similar.
From: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 6 Aug 2008 23:16
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 7 of 53
Thats the chap, anyway its bed time i have to be up early for work but will be catching up with you kids later ;P
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 6 Aug 2008 23:24
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 8 of 53
but how do you cover 8 years in a sentence

Indeed - I can't even figure out where to start. :/

Simon is the only one on that list there who's not still here. There's been a few other deserters over the years, but still a strong core of original members (and plenty of fresh blood also).

Well, and depending on if you mean Pete(THE_TGG) or Pete(IXION) - the former has become regular again recently, but haven't seen the latter in quite some time... maybe he got lost down a cave? :S

Anyway, I better join you in going to bed (no john); I also want an early start.
EDITED: 6 Aug 2008 23:27 by BOUGHTONP
From: milko 6 Aug 2008 23:25
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 9 of 53
haha, hello there fella!

(I think Simon might have called himself Sephiroth for a bit but I never would've thought about that until now!)
From: Rowan 7 Aug 2008 00:14
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 10 of 53
Eight years? Are you sure? Feels like four, tops.
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 7 Aug 2008 00:18
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 11 of 53

I remember you, innit.


Hullo, welcome back.


(jazz hands)

From: dyl 7 Aug 2008 01:22
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 12 of 53

I remember you, we met at that place near the Corn Exchange. Must have been at least 7 years ago.


It's surprising how many people have resurfaced after years away. Loads of people are still around with different names, too. TAK is Moorlock and is all grown up. Dexter is all grown up too. Yvonne and Wibble had a baby. Xen still hasn't left the house. Nobody's died yet, as far as I know. Me & Milko still have the same signatures.


The game of choice is Flatout2 over Hamachi at the moment, by the way. Get thisen on.

From: Voltane 7 Aug 2008 02:21
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 13 of 53

I actually recognise the name, which is unusual for me. It must be all the old time threads recently.


Simon is perhaps the funniest deserter I think we've had.
He wants to be a dragon having sex with women.....or maybe he wants to be the woman, we never did bother to ask. :-&

From: Dave!! 7 Aug 2008 08:47
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 14 of 53
The name rings a bell to me! Hello again.

If you're thinking back to the days of Delphi forums, I would have been Trippynet, yes the one with the garishly ugly sig (although I wasn't the only one).

So! there we go. Cake?
From: koswix 7 Aug 2008 10:18
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 15 of 53




From: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 7 Aug 2008 11:18
To: ALL16 of 53

I feel so nostalgic right now, I can't believe some still have the same sigs too, its like I was never gone, I have actually got dexter on facebook as a friend its weird seeing him all grown up.


I do remember the two meets i went on the one in york and the other at pizza express in leeds. good times.


it definatly has been more than 7 years ago,


what is everyone doing now from what I remember


milko was going design of some sorts.
several people where tech guys.


christ trying to remember.


as for me I am a new media developer at a company called propaganda, mainly doing actionscript stuff, rich online media websites etc.. long way from my flash 4 days.


I have two kids now, 5 and 1 both girls which is a handfull, not married.

From: Rich (RICARD00) 7 Aug 2008 12:02
To: Dave!! 17 of 53

Now then young man.


Long time no meat.

From: MrTrent 7 Aug 2008 12:13
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 18 of 53
I have two kids now, 5 and 1 both girls which is a handfull, not married.
5 and 1 and they're not married yet?! What are they, ugly or something?
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 7 Aug 2008 12:24
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 19 of 53

You ring a bell with me as well. Back on Delphi I was JesusOnEez...


...not much has changed.


You probably don't remember me but I'm quite quiet...most of the original members welcome me as a newbie every time I post something.



From: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 7 Aug 2008 12:50
To: ALL20 of 53

The cheek of it my kids are gorgeous one is 5 one is 1 years old.


tut :)


I do remember you yes I think I recognise most people from their user name and obviously the ones I have met.

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 7 Aug 2008 18:25
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 21 of 53
I remember you, though I doubt you remember me