Wow after 8 years

From: Rich (RICARD00) 7 Aug 2008 12:02
To: Dave!! 17 of 53

Now then young man.


Long time no meat.

From: MrTrent 7 Aug 2008 12:13
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 18 of 53
I have two kids now, 5 and 1 both girls which is a handfull, not married.
5 and 1 and they're not married yet?! What are they, ugly or something?
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 7 Aug 2008 12:24
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 19 of 53

You ring a bell with me as well. Back on Delphi I was JesusOnEez...


...not much has changed.


You probably don't remember me but I'm quite quiet...most of the original members welcome me as a newbie every time I post something.



From: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 7 Aug 2008 12:50
To: ALL20 of 53

The cheek of it my kids are gorgeous one is 5 one is 1 years old.


tut :)


I do remember you yes I think I recognise most people from their user name and obviously the ones I have met.

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 7 Aug 2008 18:25
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 21 of 53
I remember you, though I doubt you remember me
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 7 Aug 2008 18:41
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 22 of 53
Hello, it seems like only yesterday. Back then I was Truffy. I still am, at least in my underpants.
Message 34805.23 was deleted
From: william 7 Aug 2008 23:29
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 24 of 53
I remember you too, but I'm not sure if it was from here or another forum. You had a photo of yourself in your signature.
From: DarkBadger 7 Aug 2008 23:34
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 25 of 53
Erm, hello Mr. Rai - I remember you too though I probably had another login thingy, but MR. Bastard - YOU'RE TRUFFY????!?!?!!!? How did I not know that? Are you still mountainous?
From: Mikee 8 Aug 2008 09:29
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 26 of 53
Hello mate. :)
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 8 Aug 2008 11:21
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 27 of 53

I remember your name but not you.


I doubt you remember me though!

Welcome back by the way!
EDITED: 8 Aug 2008 11:22 by SLAYERPUNX
From: Radio 8 Aug 2008 11:24
To: ALL28 of 53
8 years, was it still beehive back then, or was it NPCFF?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Aug 2008 11:37
To: Radio 29 of 53

First version of Beehive was June 2002.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 8 Aug 2008 12:16
To: DarkBadger 30 of 53
Heyup Dazzaman, yep still montainous ... in both girth and geography! :)
From: Manthorp 8 Aug 2008 12:39
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 31 of 53
Still here, oscillating between forum eminence grise, which is odd because there are at least two griser than me, and forum dirty old man, which is more deserved.

Currently writing from the poolside of the Mayer Luz Apartments, Praia da Luz, by the wonder of rather expensive wireless.
EDITED: 8 Aug 2008 12:40 by MANTHORP
From: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 9 Aug 2008 16:08
To: Mikee 32 of 53
yo yo mikee how are you, you still in leeds? what you upto now?

I think much of the time away I forget the move from the delphi forums to NPCFF then to beehive so its probably less that 8 years away hmm I think many years have become a blur.
EDITED: 9 Aug 2008 16:10 by RAI_KANE3
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 9 Aug 2008 18:58
To: Kane (RAI_KANE3) 33 of 53

I remember you .. Hullooo


Long time since NPCFF and Delphi for that matter!


I refuse to believe that it is 8 years though!!!


Welcome Back

From: Chris (CHRISSS) 9 Aug 2008 21:36
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 34 of 53
How long ago were the days when we used to meet on the newsgroups? It did start there didn't it? I rememer reading those while at uni which was about 8 to 9 years ago. When did we move over to Delphi?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Aug 2008 22:15
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 35 of 53
Yep, it all began on the PC Format newsgroup in Aug/Sep 1998;

Moved to Delphi around Mar/Apr 1999;

In May/Jun 2001, Future switched to hosting their own crappy software, and the core of the PCF forum broke away and formed NPCFF;

A year later, June 2002, and Delphi/Prospero had gone shit, with Beehive and Teh Forum emerging from the dung heap.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)10 Aug 2008 00:59
To: ALL36 of 53

And now we're an active community.


We develop and host our own Forum and preach the good word of Beehive software technology on the net (whilst waiting to get sued by Delphi)


and by preach, we mean slap Matt on the back and say encouraging things to him when he needs us too. Oh and dig deep when it comes to hosting bills.


We've had our first forum baby (and second? have they had two?) with Yve and Wibbly who met through here.


I think we're waiting on JohnGT to do the decent thing as well on that front.


We make our own mix tapes. Such Classics as Teh Workout Album, Teh Summer Album, and Teh Winter Album.


We finally got rid of our resident troll: Trigger (although he will be back).


Paul is still offering cake and cider to all comers


Manthorpe is still offering pearls of wisdom to the masses


Xen is still refusing to meet the masses.


Oh and we're about to have our not very annual anuual awards ceremony..

EDITED: 10 Aug 2008 01:00 by FOZZA