Teh Massive Seven Year Itchy Meat + Gig

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)27 Dec 2008 19:35
To: craig (CHARTLEY) 303 of 314
From: koswix28 Dec 2008 00:38
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 304 of 314

You both free at all first week of Jan?


I haven't looked at my diary yet, but I'll probably be around Glasgow a fair bit that week.

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)28 Dec 2008 00:46
To: koswix 305 of 314
I will be - I don't go back to work until the 12th, and other than maybe buying a car, have no plans for that week so far.
From: koswix28 Dec 2008 02:21
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 306 of 314





Anyone else?

From: craig (CHARTLEY)28 Dec 2008 14:20
To: koswix 307 of 314
Shouldn't be a problem for me!
From: koswix28 Dec 2008 20:11
To: craig (CHARTLEY) 308 of 314



Uh. Somebody arrange something then. Thursday or Friday is probably good for me!

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)28 Dec 2008 20:55
To: koswix 309 of 314

Thursday the 8th then, at a suitable time (I'm available whenever) in a suitable pub?


Unless anything dramatic has happened with the dawning of a new year, it'll be cheap night in Bunker, or there's plenty more pubs to choose from that we're probably still welcome in.

EDITED: 28 Dec 2008 20:55 by WINGNUTKJ
From: koswix28 Dec 2008 21:34
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 310 of 314
Thursday 8th works for me. I can do whenever toooooo. Earlier is better for me, actually. I don't like our new office building and like to spend as little time as possible in it :(
From: xseoer 9 Jul 2010 07:54
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 311 of 314
I straighten my short and curlies every morning, sometimes I burn my peepee :(
EDITED: 13 Jul 2010 03:38 by XSEOER
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 9 Jul 2010 08:45
To: xseoer 312 of 314
Hello. Please take a seat in the waiting area, a member of staff will be with you momentarily. Your attendance is very important to us, please wait.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Jun 2011 15:51
To: paul 313 of 314
Oi! EP!

Seven Year

2 Aug 2008

You know what that means...
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 9 Jun 2011 16:06
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 314 of 314
It's time for his bath again?