Teh Massive Seven Year Itchy Meat + Gig

From: Edd21 Dec 2008 01:31
To: paul 237 of 314
EP, always a pleasure. Even if you suck at Pure.
EDITED: 21 Dec 2008 01:32 by EDD
From: paul21 Dec 2008 01:31
To: Ally 238 of 314
Nice to meet you Ally.

Thanks for popping by.

Merry Xmas etc.

From: paul21 Dec 2008 01:33
To: Edd 239 of 314


From: Edd21 Dec 2008 01:39
To: paul 240 of 314
The scores don't lie
EDITED: 21 Dec 2008 01:39 by EDD
From: milko21 Dec 2008 02:33
To: Ally 241 of 314
you were so in the pub right behind me!

ahaha, good ole fashioned meat that, good to see y'all. Congrats to Gary for the crown of "most utterly shitfaced by a distance", hats off.
From: Manthorp21 Dec 2008 09:41
To: ALL242 of 314
Morning all from Serg Towers. Grand meat - thank you EP - and lovely to put drunken, leering faces to several new forumites. Then back to Serge & Elena's for a night of smelly cheese, home-made Plum Brandy and Kos' stentorian snoring. Ricard00 found a novel way of silencing him though - seems you can't snore with your mouth full.

Serguiuiuuiuiu is making us breakfast then we're off for our trains. More from National Expresses wifi if I can be arsed.
From: Matt21 Dec 2008 10:30
To: ALL243 of 314
It was a pleasure meeting you all, and I'm only very slightly hungover, which is a bonus.

If only more of you had turned up at the agreed time, you might have been witness to the very first introduction between me and EP, which went something like:

Me: Shall we do formal introductions then?
EP: If you tell me who you are.
Me: Matt
EP: <pause> Matt!

Nice to finally put voices to all the text and signatures, even if they do sound nothing like I had in my head. Steve, you are the best Polite and soft spoken Yorkie I've ever met and Kos, you are easily the least Scottish Scot I have ever met. Pete, get a hair cut.

So when are we doing the Alton Towers Xen's house meet?

Hmm. Or, maybe our next meet should be in Paisley?
From: Manthorp21 Dec 2008 11:34
To: Matt 244 of 314
I second the proposal for a Deep Fried Meat in Scottishesland, ideally convening at Trig's house. Given that we're not real, he shouldn't mind us plundering his potato store.

We're now on the train, basking in the warmth of National Expresses wifi. Thanks again everybody, and especially Serg and Elena for being the perfect hosts. The fry up has worked its magic and I feel almost human again.

Voltane, sorry I missed your spectacular fall over the bin bags. I was only told about it afterwards. At the time Ricard00 and Kos were convinced that you had continued Mouse's fine tradition of Meat limb fracture. So if you've woken up mystified about the black bruises on your shins, that was what happened.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)21 Dec 2008 12:45
To: ALL245 of 314

well that was fun. thanks goes to mike and tina for lettung me crash at there place. good to see you all again. i do hope that gary is ok today!


Kos you still are the worlds worst scottish person!


now if only I can get rid of this hangover then that will be grand.

From: koswix21 Dec 2008 14:20
To: ALL246 of 314

That was a damn fine meat. Awesome to see everyone, and big mega thanks to Serg and Elena for the hosting. That plum brandy stuff was pretty amazing, and I think it's the reason that I don't feel hung over today (although it does feel as if I've been sucking on a metal file all night. I had no idea you were so rough down there, Ricardo0).


Gary: Really hope you're OK and alive and at home, and not slumped in a gutter somewhere or in A&E.


Ant: Fuck off :C


Everyone else: So Easter, then?



From: Ally21 Dec 2008 14:28
To: ALL247 of 314

Wow, well I was hungover this morning. I haven't felt that bad in a long time- not entirely sure why, though.


Anyway, it was great to finally put a face and voice to so many names... while talking to people I worked out that I was posting on the PCF newsgroup on my 16th birthday. A week yesterday I turn 25. That's a hell of a time to have known you lot!


It's a shame I hadn't got there earlier, I didn't get much of a chance to speak to the lot at the other end of the table- EP, Koswix, Paul and the like. Still, I had a good 'un. Hopefully I'll be able to make it to another one sometime!

From: Ally21 Dec 2008 14:30
To: milko 248 of 314
Indeed I was. We all walked in, I went to the toilet. Came back out and couldn't find anyone, looked at the time and scarpered. I have no idea how to get home by bus...
From: Ally21 Dec 2008 14:32
To: Edd 249 of 314

I did come back to the Fitzroy, so more fool you. Sort of?


The seals were asking for it, chatty bastards. I don't think there are many of them in New York though, I'll have to club off-off-broadway actors instead.

From: koswix21 Dec 2008 14:41
To: Ally 250 of 314

Hahaha - I think you must have my hangover aswell as your own!


I really have absolutely no right to be feeling this chipper today :D

From: Ally21 Dec 2008 15:01
To: koswix 251 of 314

I'm still trying to work it out- I actually even threw up this morning. I suspect it might have a lot more to do with the food I ate at the end of the night than the drinks I had beforehand though... urgh.


But yes I'm so glad you're all feeling so bloody great >:-(

From: koswix21 Dec 2008 15:28
To: Ally 252 of 314
*plays a trumpet in your ear*
From: paul21 Dec 2008 15:40
To: koswix 253 of 314
No hangover here either.

Still got my cold though...


From: koswix21 Dec 2008 16:04
To: paul 254 of 314

Forgot my CF card reader, so will upload them when I get home. Nearly there now - only another 45 minutes or so.


I'm not hungover, but I /am/ fucking tired :((

From: Voltane21 Dec 2008 16:29
To: ALL255 of 314

I'm alive!


Only thanks to the thread have I noticed the scrapes on my knees. I have to confess to not remembering a lot of stuff (falling over, Edd turned up?)


I still have a massive hangover (although no throwing up).


I think my downfall was not eating once I got to the meet. I had had pizza before I left and don't remember eating anything else - although the empty McDonalds bag suggests I did have something on the way home.


Still, what I do remember I enjoyed and it was good to meet you all!

From: Mouse21 Dec 2008 17:15
To: Voltane 256 of 314
Thank you for representing the drunken falling over contingent which I was unable to do this time.