Teh Massive Seven Year Itchy Meat + Gig

From: Rich (RICARD00) 6 Aug 2008 20:02
To: paul 22 of 314
As previously stated, i'll be there!
From: paul 6 Aug 2008 22:17
To: Rich (RICARD00) 23 of 314

Should I bring a bucket? ;)

Look forward to seeing you again my friend!

From: paul 6 Aug 2008 22:40
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 24 of 314
I really, really hope you can make it Nigsy, it'd make my Xmas to see your ugly mush again!

Plus, Bob is coming too :D

EDITED: 6 Aug 2008 22:40 by PAUL
From: Rich (RICARD00) 7 Aug 2008 10:00
To: paul 25 of 314
I think a shower proof poncho is more appropriate!
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 7 Aug 2008 12:28
To: paul 26 of 314

Well, it's been three or four years since the last time I went, so I'm putting my name down for this one before my wife arranges something for that date.


I may bring her along.


If dyl turns up I promise not to flick the bird in every one of his photos...can't promise that for everyone else though. :-$

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 8 Aug 2008 14:46
To: paul 27 of 314
You seem to have missed my name off the list! Are you trying to tell me something?
From: Manthorp 8 Aug 2008 14:50
To: paul 28 of 314
Put me down as a tentative - I'll come if I can. I may be asking for a room at the Inn, if necessary, the stable.
From: paul 8 Aug 2008 15:27
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 29 of 314
Nothing deliberate I assure you!

I have only been adding those that replied to this invitation thread.

From: paul 8 Aug 2008 15:29
To: Manthorp 30 of 314
We all know that you will come at the drop of a hat, but that is a different subject.

I can't accomodate anyone but I'm sure there will be plenty of offers...

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 8 Aug 2008 16:32
To: paul 31 of 314
I thank you!
From: Voltane 8 Aug 2008 20:31
To: ALL32 of 314
Will have to confirm nearer the time but there might be a space or two available at mine.
From: paul 8 Aug 2008 23:24
To: Voltane 33 of 314

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)11 Aug 2008 15:05
To: paul 34 of 314
Yesh! +Elena
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)11 Aug 2008 23:01
To: ALL35 of 314
Wow, this could be a great meat if all the people on the list turn up! (bounce)
From: ANT_THOMAS11 Aug 2008 23:08
To: ALL36 of 314
For us Northern folk what is the best plan of getting down and staying?
From: y2rich11 Aug 2008 23:11
To: ANT_THOMAS 37 of 314
Organise a northern meat?
From: ANT_THOMAS11 Aug 2008 23:14
To: y2rich 38 of 314
From: y2rich11 Aug 2008 23:22
To: ANT_THOMAS 39 of 314
Well, I suggest your first purchase is one of those Police stab proof vest thingies.
From: ANT_THOMAS11 Aug 2008 23:25
To: y2rich 40 of 314
That's the spirit!
From: y2rich11 Aug 2008 23:26
To: ANT_THOMAS 41 of 314
Other than that I'd suggest finding somewhere outside of London and travelling in for the meat. Should work out cheaper that way.