Teh Massive Seven Year Itchy Meat + Gig

From: johngti_mk-ii20 Dec 2008 09:21
To: ALL209 of 314

We're looking forward to tonight although Carl (t'new drummer) seems to be a little nervous to say the least!


Me and Claire won't be at the Fitzroy on account of not being able to leave Ewan too early and guess who has to drive up...poo. Driving in London today is going to be great fun innit.


Anyhow, hope you all enjoy the gig - I'll be the one bricking it in the corner!

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)20 Dec 2008 09:52
To: Rich (RICARD00) 210 of 314
A fair point :(
From: Matt20 Dec 2008 10:38
To: koswix 211 of 314
Is it the same as the Samsung i900? I can bring my USB charger with me (not sure where my mains charger is), but that would require someone to bring something with USB sockets that has it's own mains charger.

From: koswix20 Dec 2008 10:53
To: Matt 212 of 314

It looks pretty similar on the website I just checked. I have my laptop with me (9 hours worth of train rides in 2 days means I need /some/ kind of distraction...) so that'd be awesome if you could bring it!


I can get a replacement charger off t'internet for under a fiver, so I really don't want to be spending mega bucks on Totenham Court Road for one.


The charger was fixable yesterday after I broke it, but that's before I tried to fix it. The wires need to be soldered back on to the pluggy bit, but I couldn't find my soldering iron. Or solder. So I tried to do it with a lighter and a small screwdriver and the wee bit of solder that was left on the ends of the wires. Whilst drunk.


It didn't work :-$

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)20 Dec 2008 11:48
To: ALL213 of 314

On the train! Is there a concensus on lunch?


By the way, my mobile is 751551541 with a zero at the start and end should anyone wish to pass their number on to me (the only persons I have is Wattsy)

From: koswix20 Dec 2008 12:06
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 214 of 314

Wattsy wants pizza at 1.30 at the place on the corner of Charlotte Street (I think it's there, if not, it's just round the corner).


What time do you arrive and what station?


I missed the 8.35 train this morning ( :-$ ) so I now get in at 13:48 or something, but I still want pizza. I've had breakfast beer and need some food.

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)20 Dec 2008 12:09
To: koswix 215 of 314
You can still have pizza as long as you let me sleep in the corner for a while. I feel like SHITE!
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)20 Dec 2008 12:17
To: koswix 216 of 314
We're in at 1320 at Euston. Got a text from Wattsy saying the same so it's on!
From: koswix20 Dec 2008 12:22
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 217 of 314

You poor dumpling. I'm sure we can clear a space under a table for you to have a nap.



From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)20 Dec 2008 12:34
To: koswix 218 of 314
Screw you hippy :P
From: koswix20 Dec 2008 12:37
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 219 of 314

I want to be a hippie :-$


(and I wan't to get stoned)

From: Manthorp20 Dec 2008 12:45
To: koswix 220 of 314
We'll wait for you @ King's Cross. You'll probably have been glassed by the time you get there, so we'll get Superglue and Savlon. Meet you outside WH Smiths.
From: koswix20 Dec 2008 12:47
To: Manthorp 221 of 314

Smith's it is, you old codgers! Will you have hired your mobility scooters by then, or do you need someone with functional eyesight to fill in the paper work?


(sorry. I started on the stella already. Bad move, but I had to spend at least a fiver on teh train to use my card. And I really didn't want 4 cups of coffee.)

From: Manthorp20 Dec 2008 12:54
To: koswix 222 of 314
Aye. We're ploughing our way through eight cans of nutritious full Irish breakfast.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)20 Dec 2008 14:12
To: ALL223 of 314
Just landed -text me if you're near charlotte street!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Dec 2008 19:46
To: ALL224 of 314
224 now
From: Matt20 Dec 2008 22:24
To: ALL225 of 314
To think I went all the way to London to reboot the server over a 3G connection...
EDITED: 4 Mar 2023 13:35 by MATT
From: ANT_THOMAS20 Dec 2008 22:58
To: Matt 226 of 314
Say something offensive to Kos from Me.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)20 Dec 2008 23:07
To: Matt 227 of 314
Jane was a fan of your work and now I think she full comprehends what I meant when I said we were essentially a bunch of geeks.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)21 Dec 2008 00:38
To: ALL228 of 314
Had a great time - just got back into the house. Can't stay long as we have to be away by 7:00am tomorrow so I'll post pics tomorrow. Lovely meeting you all though, just sorry we had to shoot a little early.