Teh Massive Seven Year Itchy Meat + Gig

From: milko19 Dec 2008 18:25
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 190 of 314
Victoria then walk from Warren Street, probably. Although all of those routes are much of a muchness, won't make a lot of difference.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)19 Dec 2008 19:16
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 191 of 314

I try and go to the pizza place everytime I go to the meat.
The standard cheese and tomato rocks and they are all thin based. Good pizza, great price and close to the pub.


Give me a call (can't give number to you perhaps someone that has it can send it to ya, at works do now)

From: paul19 Dec 2008 20:43
To: ALL192 of 314

englishpaul, Dianne + Bob
Matt + 1
Voltane + 2?
Daniel Herman + 1
Raving Messiah (JESUSONEEZ) + 1?
Serg + Elena
Milko + 1?
John + Claire
Paul [N] + 3


The above are those that I reckon should be attending, one way or another.


Please feel free to prompt me if I've got it wrong.


Head count is currently THIRTY!! [ish]



EDITED: 19 Dec 2008 21:42 by PAUL
From: Manthorp19 Dec 2008 21:11
To: paul 193 of 314
From: Voltane19 Dec 2008 21:11
To: paul 194 of 314

My +2 are coming - just sending them a txt to remind them now.


But what happened to Xen? :o

From: ANT_THOMAS19 Dec 2008 21:14
To: Voltane 195 of 314
I'm not coming so there was no one to kidnap him :((
From: Dave!!19 Dec 2008 21:15
To: paul 196 of 314
I'm going to have to be an old fart and cancel I'm afraid :'-(

A combination of a nasty cold I've been unable to shake off (meaning I feel knackered and like crap), me being rather skint, and having to pay the garage a load of cash to fix my car when I collected it this afternoon (thus making me even more skint).

Thanks to Voltane for offering me a dog basket for the night, twas appreciated. Hope everyone has a good time. I'm off to shove another couple of Beechams tablets down my neck :(
From: paul19 Dec 2008 21:45
To: Dave!! 197 of 314
Consider yourself deleted.

I'm sorry you couldn't make it, I'm just trying to recover from man flu myself, hope you feel better soon.
From: koswix19 Dec 2008 21:46
To: Voltane 198 of 314

The twins? :D Yay! Ain't seem them in ages!


My mate may be coming round tonight to play video games and drink beer, dunno yet. So I may be extremely tired tomorrow :$

From: koswix19 Dec 2008 21:52
To: Dave!! 199 of 314

Wuss :C


(hope you feel better soon!)

Message 34784.200 was deleted
From: koswix19 Dec 2008 22:50
To: ALL201 of 314

Does anyone have a phone charger compatible with a Samsung F700? Mine just broke and I'm nearly out of juice :(


If not, I'll be at the pub after trawling Tottenham Court Road for a replacement.

From: Dave!!19 Dec 2008 23:10
To: koswix 202 of 314

I am a wuss :-((


And I'm off to bed shortly.

EDITED: 19 Dec 2008 23:10 by DAVE!!
From: Manthorp19 Dec 2008 23:12
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 203 of 314
I could understand that.
From: koswix19 Dec 2008 23:16
To: Dave!! 204 of 314



I'm off to bed now too, so see everyone tomorrow! Woo!

From: Monsoir (HERMAND)20 Dec 2008 00:04
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 205 of 314
I was young and drunk :(
Message 34784.206 was deleted
From: Monsoir (HERMAND)20 Dec 2008 00:38
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 207 of 314
The tragic part is that the memory is so faded to me, yet it seems i'll never quite live it down :(
From: Rich (RICARD00)20 Dec 2008 01:24
To: Monsoir (HERMAND) 208 of 314
You're still young, just not drunk SO FAR
From: johngti_mk-ii20 Dec 2008 09:21
To: ALL209 of 314

We're looking forward to tonight although Carl (t'new drummer) seems to be a little nervous to say the least!


Me and Claire won't be at the Fitzroy on account of not being able to leave Ewan too early and guess who has to drive up...poo. Driving in London today is going to be great fun innit.


Anyhow, hope you all enjoy the gig - I'll be the one bricking it in the corner!