Teh Massive Seven Year Itchy Meat + Gig

From: Manthorp19 Dec 2008 17:39
To: koswix 188 of 314
Aye, you can push Ricard00's bath chair. I'm fine in my mobility scooter.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Dec 2008 17:53
To: milko 189 of 314
I can't tell if you missed a bit from the start of your post, or if you just neglected to capitalise the first letter of the sentence. :(

I can be adventurous with pizzas - instead of just plain mozzarella ones, I often go for four cheeses! And I sometimes don't mind pepperoni pizzas either.

Though I do prefer thin crust ones when I eat out (and medium-thick crust ones at home).
Never had a good thick crust / deep pan pizza when eating out.


If I'm coming via Victoria, is it simpler to go to Oxford Circus then Tottenham Court Road, then walk; or to Embankment, then Goodge Street; or something else entirely?

(direct Charing Cross trains seem to be slow and irregular compared to Victoria ones :( )
EDITED: 19 Dec 2008 18:03 by BOUGHTONP
From: milko19 Dec 2008 18:25
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 190 of 314
Victoria then walk from Warren Street, probably. Although all of those routes are much of a muchness, won't make a lot of difference.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)19 Dec 2008 19:16
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 191 of 314

I try and go to the pizza place everytime I go to the meat.
The standard cheese and tomato rocks and they are all thin based. Good pizza, great price and close to the pub.


Give me a call (can't give number to you perhaps someone that has it can send it to ya, at works do now)

From: paul19 Dec 2008 20:43
To: ALL192 of 314

englishpaul, Dianne + Bob
Matt + 1
Voltane + 2?
Daniel Herman + 1
Raving Messiah (JESUSONEEZ) + 1?
Serg + Elena
Milko + 1?
John + Claire
Paul [N] + 3


The above are those that I reckon should be attending, one way or another.


Please feel free to prompt me if I've got it wrong.


Head count is currently THIRTY!! [ish]



EDITED: 19 Dec 2008 21:42 by PAUL
From: Manthorp19 Dec 2008 21:11
To: paul 193 of 314
From: Voltane19 Dec 2008 21:11
To: paul 194 of 314

My +2 are coming - just sending them a txt to remind them now.


But what happened to Xen? :o

From: ANT_THOMAS19 Dec 2008 21:14
To: Voltane 195 of 314
I'm not coming so there was no one to kidnap him :((
From: Dave!!19 Dec 2008 21:15
To: paul 196 of 314
I'm going to have to be an old fart and cancel I'm afraid :'-(

A combination of a nasty cold I've been unable to shake off (meaning I feel knackered and like crap), me being rather skint, and having to pay the garage a load of cash to fix my car when I collected it this afternoon (thus making me even more skint).

Thanks to Voltane for offering me a dog basket for the night, twas appreciated. Hope everyone has a good time. I'm off to shove another couple of Beechams tablets down my neck :(
From: paul19 Dec 2008 21:45
To: Dave!! 197 of 314
Consider yourself deleted.

I'm sorry you couldn't make it, I'm just trying to recover from man flu myself, hope you feel better soon.
From: koswix19 Dec 2008 21:46
To: Voltane 198 of 314

The twins? :D Yay! Ain't seem them in ages!


My mate may be coming round tonight to play video games and drink beer, dunno yet. So I may be extremely tired tomorrow :$

From: koswix19 Dec 2008 21:52
To: Dave!! 199 of 314

Wuss :C


(hope you feel better soon!)

Message 34784.200 was deleted
From: koswix19 Dec 2008 22:50
To: ALL201 of 314

Does anyone have a phone charger compatible with a Samsung F700? Mine just broke and I'm nearly out of juice :(


If not, I'll be at the pub after trawling Tottenham Court Road for a replacement.

From: Dave!!19 Dec 2008 23:10
To: koswix 202 of 314

I am a wuss :-((


And I'm off to bed shortly.

EDITED: 19 Dec 2008 23:10 by DAVE!!
From: Manthorp19 Dec 2008 23:12
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 203 of 314
I could understand that.
From: koswix19 Dec 2008 23:16
To: Dave!! 204 of 314



I'm off to bed now too, so see everyone tomorrow! Woo!

From: Monsoir (HERMAND)20 Dec 2008 00:04
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 205 of 314
I was young and drunk :(
Message 34784.206 was deleted
From: Monsoir (HERMAND)20 Dec 2008 00:38
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 207 of 314
The tragic part is that the memory is so faded to me, yet it seems i'll never quite live it down :(