Teh Massive Seven Year Itchy Meat + Gig

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)18 Dec 2008 15:21
To: Voltane 142 of 314
Ends in 672. I ain't changed it in a long time!
From: koswix18 Dec 2008 15:42
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 143 of 314
I,M up for that, but just realised I haven't booked my train tickets yet. Will book tonight when I get in - asuming they haven't gone all expensive since I last looked :S
From: koswix18 Dec 2008 15:44
To: Rich (RICARD00) 144 of 314
You pair getting on at York? I'll have to hide in the toilets for some peace and quiet if you are.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)18 Dec 2008 17:30
To: koswix 145 of 314

Umm pizza goodness with scotch.


Please wear a pink carnation so I can recognise you as I expect you have lost your boyish charms after this year has dragged you along in not a nice way.

From: Dan (HERMAND)18 Dec 2008 17:37
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 146 of 314
Got your text - I'm arriving 13:20 at London Euston
From: Manthorp18 Dec 2008 18:56
To: koswix 147 of 314
Ricard00 is getting a train from Middlesbruff that gets into Leeds for about 11. Which is where I'm getting on.
From: koswix18 Dec 2008 20:36
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 148 of 314

Aye, I'm all growed up now!


This year has been a shitter, but it just got really, really awesome last week. Shit that went very badly wrong 5 years ago has suddenly gone very, very right :D


{{{{{my new girly}}}}}

From: koswix18 Dec 2008 20:37
To: Manthorp 149 of 314
Ahh, of course. Phew. I'm safe from bum-rape at least until I get to Kings X then.
From: Manthorp18 Dec 2008 20:59
To: koswix 150 of 314
I wouldn't go that far. You are presumably travelling mostly with feral Scottishes to whom gender differentiation is effete.
From: koswix18 Dec 2008 21:06
To: Manthorp 151 of 314
True, but that's a cultural bonding thing so it doesn't count.
From: Manthorp18 Dec 2008 21:09
To: ALL152 of 314
Incidentally, I am pleased to announce that teh Official Itchy Meat Drink is a half pint of dry cider topped up with green ginger wine. It is most seasonal and warming and I commend it to all.

Possie members who can't make it to teh Meat should lay in supplies of dry cider and ginger wine and join us by proxy from their remote crofts.
EDITED: 18 Dec 2008 21:13 by MANTHORP
From: craig (CHARTLEY)18 Dec 2008 21:51
To: Manthorp 153 of 314
I might just do that, what with me now having the day off!
From: Manthorp18 Dec 2008 22:03
To: craig (CHARTLEY) 154 of 314
It'll warm your lovely little cockles.
From: craig (CHARTLEY)18 Dec 2008 22:45
To: Manthorp 155 of 314
That's always a bonus. Might just have TWO glasses of it.
From: paul18 Dec 2008 22:51
To: Manthorp 156 of 314
Half a pint of cider mixed with half a pint of Stone's?

Are you mad?

From: craig (CHARTLEY)18 Dec 2008 22:54
To: paul 157 of 314
quote: paul
Half a pint of cider mixed with half a pint of Stone's?

Are you mad?


Oh, maybe just a glass and a half then...
From: paul18 Dec 2008 22:57
To: craig (CHARTLEY) 158 of 314
From: Dave!!19 Dec 2008 00:11
To: ALL159 of 314
Could I throw one out there and say that I had pretty much forgotten about this, but still may be interested in heading along. That being that, are there any "kip-on-my-floor" places still going? I'll be coming down into Kings Cross and going home from there the following morning too, if that helps.

Many thanks in advance!
From: paul19 Dec 2008 00:27
To: Dave!! 160 of 314
Gary [Voltane] could well be able to help.

Get your ass down here, we gonna party like its 1999.

No, wait...

Come anyway Dave!!

From: Mouse19 Dec 2008 04:28
To: ALL161 of 314

You're all bastards. Wish I could be there :(


Someone Video-Call me in at some point. I might even deliberately break limbs if you do.