Teh Massive Seven Year Itchy Meat + Gig

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 5 Dec 2008 12:53
To: Voltane 108 of 314
It's all south to me.
From: Voltane13 Dec 2008 14:24
To: paul 109 of 314
With a week to go I thought this would bear repeating:

Right, there is now a double and a single bed available at mine on the night of the 20th for anyone that needs it.
And floor space for maybe 2 if there's more that are in need.
From: paul13 Dec 2008 14:57
To: Voltane 110 of 314
Indeed, 168 hours and counting...

Thank you for providing crash space, not that I'll need it, but others may well do.

From: Matt13 Dec 2008 15:05
To: Voltane 111 of 314
Hmm, I don't know if I'll be stopping around that late to warrant not getting the train back home, but just to be safe, can I provisionally reserve 2 spaces?

Don't mind if it's bed or floor, I've slept on worse things that people's floors in the past.

Ta :)
From: paul13 Dec 2008 15:32
To: johngti_mk-ii 112 of 314
Have you posted the flyers yet?

From: Voltane13 Dec 2008 15:45
To: Matt 113 of 314
2 places reserved for you.
From: johngti_mk-ii13 Dec 2008 16:32
To: paul 114 of 314



(Ahem. Thanks for reminding me!!)

From: Dan (HERMAND)13 Dec 2008 16:55
To: ALL115 of 314
Quite looking forward to it all now - definitely bringing Jane though we'll only be staying til 4 or 5 o clock as i'm meeting an old mate for more Chrimbo drinks shortly after.
From: paul13 Dec 2008 17:09
To: johngti_mk-ii 116 of 314
Silly question, probably, but does it matter what size these are printed off at?

I was gonna run some off at 4 per A4 sheet.
From: Voltane13 Dec 2008 18:16
To: paul 117 of 314
No, it shouldn't matter. As long as they can tell it's for the night they won't care.
From: koswix13 Dec 2008 19:25
To: paul 118 of 314
Don't suppose you'd mind doing me one, me old chum? My printer died end of last week :(
From: paul13 Dec 2008 19:53
To: koswix 119 of 314

I will be printing more than enough for teh posse. [Correction. I have printed 24, ran out of ink (fail) ]


It only saves us a pound, but a pound is a pound.



EDITED: 13 Dec 2008 20:40 by PAUL
Message 34784.120 was deleted
From: paul13 Dec 2008 20:43
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 121 of 314
Are you coming yet? [NO John]

Decision time is looming....

You can share Peter's Coke, and Gary will look after you [bedwise] [maybe John].

From: johngti_mk-ii13 Dec 2008 21:04
To: paul 122 of 314
Wot he (JesusGary) said - in fact they will also let you in if you just say "We're here to see the Vetoes mate" IIRC. Still, 24 are more than enough hopefully!!
Message 34784.123 was deleted
From: Voltane17 Dec 2008 21:01
To: ALL124 of 314
So that's 3/5 spaces reserved. Manthorp?
From: Manthorp17 Dec 2008 22:54
To: Voltane 125 of 314
I theeeeeenk I'm already accommodated, Voltane. A fellow possie member offered to put me up (or to put something up me, I forgot which) many moons ago. I have just reminded him of his foolhardiness and suggested that, as with any blind date, along with the gorgeous witty one comes the one who throws up in the wardrobe.

Can I get back to you if he's come to his senses?
From: dyl17 Dec 2008 23:29
To: ALL126 of 314

I won't be there.


I've been busy being ill all week and while I made it in to work today, I now regret it enough that I'm almost certainly not going in again tomorrow. And even if I was well enough, I've been asked to stand in for someone for a gig on Saturday night here in Sheffield, which is far cheaper than meating (I'll probably get paid about what it would have cost me to get there and receive as much free booze as I would have had to buy had I gone to London).


So it looks like this time, cheap, easy local fun for the skint ill person wins.


Sorry chaps.

From: ANT_THOMAS17 Dec 2008 23:30
To: dyl 127 of 314

God, you're rubbish.


I'm working too this saturday :$ In Sheffield too.