Flogging Dead Horses

From: koswix18 Jul 2008 14:54
To: ALL50 of 56
Let's all talk about Truffy now he's not listening!
Message 34687.51 was deleted
From: koswix18 Jul 2008 17:01
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 52 of 56
Well to be fair, you /do/ come across as a couple of stitches short of a tea cosy.
Message 34687.53 was deleted
Message 34687.54 was deleted
From: koswix21 Jul 2008 16:27
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 55 of 56
What a terrible article. If there's anything of worth contained in it I certainly can't be bothered trawling through the bias to find it.

I've only gone about 2 or 3 paragraphs in and already there are various claims from the author without any back up. Not to mention the continued use of the term 'Dictator' for a democratically elected president, or the author's name bashing of other foreign rulers (isn't the article about how Hugo Chavez calls people he doesn't like names?)...

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