The Document Contains No Data

From: Mouse 8 Jul 2008 16:26
It is.
From: Woggy 8 Jul 2008 16:33
To: koswix 4 of 22
Yeah, quite a few times today, thought it was works net connection.
From: MrTrent 8 Jul 2008 16:38
To: koswix 5 of 22
Yeah, there was a good hour or so where i couldn't get in at all.

I put it down to some admin chap or other doing some fiddling.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 8 Jul 2008 16:40
To: koswix 6 of 22

Yes I also have been getting that error.


Curiouser and curiouser.

From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 8 Jul 2008 16:43
To: ALL7 of 22
At this point, I would like to add my own "me too", before the discussion moves on to the next page.
From: JonCooper 8 Jul 2008 17:00
To: ALL8 of 22
  / \
/   /
From: MrTrent 8 Jul 2008 17:03
To: JonCooper 9 of 22
I don't know what that's supposed to mean.
From: koswix 8 Jul 2008 17:18
To: ALL10 of 22
Right, well that's that settled then.
From: Voltane 8 Jul 2008 17:42
To: MrTrent 11 of 22
Firefox 3 jumping the shark. Obviously.
From: MrTrent 8 Jul 2008 17:50
To: Voltane 12 of 22
Okay, i can see that. So why is FF3 jumping over a shark.
From: JonCooper 8 Jul 2008 19:12
To: MrTrent 13 of 22
I was alluding to an earlier thread (here)
Message 34638.14 was deleted
From: Matt 8 Jul 2008 21:05
To: MrTrent 15 of 22
For the record, wasn't me.

I was stuck in Royal Leamington Spa for the day.
From: koswix 8 Jul 2008 21:21
To: Matt 16 of 22

It was doing it the other day, too.


Where were you then, huh? And can anyone corroborate your where abouts?

From: Matt 8 Jul 2008 21:28
To: koswix 17 of 22
I can't even account for my own whereabouts for Sunday, all I remember is being mostly hungover.
EDITED: 8 Jul 2008 21:29 by MATT
From: milko 8 Jul 2008 22:54
To: ALL18 of 22
sinec merely days after the server renewal thing came up I've noticed outages where before they were rare.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 9 Jul 2008 07:23
To: Matt 19 of 22
ooooh, get you with your lah-de-dah hobnobbing!
From: MrTrent 9 Jul 2008 12:02
To: JonCooper 20 of 22
Ah, now i get it. Muchos thankyous.
From: DrBoff (BOFF) 9 Jul 2008 13:16
To: Matt 21 of 22
That's never good. What did you do?
From: Matt 9 Jul 2008 13:29
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 22 of 22
I had to work in the GAME store there for the day. Major Funs!