Teh Bank Account

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1 Jul 2008 23:19
To: Mouse 15 of 39
I looked briefly at the Co-op bank website, but I think their community/clubs account required a silly minimum balance (as in, a thousand or two), or possibly some other restriction which seemed to rule us out. (can't remember properly)

It would be nice to go with someone that appears to be ethical and stuff, but again I wont have much time for research in the next few days, so if you or anyone felt like investigating and finding out if they do offer a suitable account, that'd be great.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1 Jul 2008 23:19
To: Aurora 16 of 39
Once the account is setup I can investigate that stuff. Will evaluate options when the account features are known, so there's something to compare against.
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From: Mouse 1 Jul 2008 23:30
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 18 of 39
I shall try and give them a ring tomorrow and ask.
From: koswix 2 Jul 2008 01:01
To: ALL19 of 39

I use the Co-Op for /everything/.


Their ethics and shit are good. Their banking and shit is shit.

From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 2 Jul 2008 13:04
To: koswix 20 of 39
Fuck the ethics. If they're shit bank they're a shit bank. Ethics are something you flaunt to rise above the competition, not instead of being any good.
From: koswix 2 Jul 2008 13:34
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 21 of 39
You're assuming that other banks are better.
From: SMD 5 Jul 2008 11:44
To: ALL22 of 39

If you're worried about international payments, you can cash cheques in any currency for no fee.


And Halifax are cunts, don't go anywhere near them.

From: koswix 5 Jul 2008 12:15
To: SMD 23 of 39
you can cash cheques in any currency for no fee

From: DrBoff (BOFF) 5 Jul 2008 12:31
To: koswix 24 of 39
Cash converters.
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From: SMD 5 Jul 2008 12:41
To: koswix 26 of 39
Wait, I'm talking about in a bank account, silly.
From: koswix 5 Jul 2008 12:44
To: SMD 27 of 39

How odd.


Every foreign cheque I've ever presented has involved a fee at my end, and often at the sender's end too.


You must have a magic bank.

From: JonCooper 5 Jul 2008 13:15
To: koswix 28 of 39
yes, I had a USian cheque & the bank fees would have been more than the cheque was worth

eventually I found auctionchex who did the exchange for a very reasonable rate
From: Jo (JELLS) 5 Jul 2008 13:30
To: ALL29 of 39

For people not in the UK wanting to contribute, you might want to look into XE.com's XEtrade:




Also good for people in the UK who need to send money to a bank not in the UK...

EDITED: 5 Jul 2008 13:31 by JELLS
From: SMD 5 Jul 2008 15:17
To: koswix 30 of 39
That's incredibly odd. Maybe they're afraid of us?
From: koswix 5 Jul 2008 15:58
To: SMD 31 of 39
Could be. You didn't sign the cheques with crude oil, did you?
From: SMD 5 Jul 2008 16:19
To: koswix 32 of 39
I told you, my recreational activities are not to be discussed on Teh.
From: fixrman 7 Jul 2008 03:06
To: SMD 33 of 39
If you pay by credit card the CC company negotiates the best exchange rate.
From: koswix 7 Jul 2008 09:24
To: fixrman 34 of 39

>>the CC company negotiates the best exchange rate


No they don't. The credit card company uses the Visa/Master Card daily rate (set in advance by Visa and Master Card), and then (in the UK at least, I presume it's the same elsewhere) they adjust that rate by about 2.5% so they charge you more than they pay Visa or Master Card.

