It's that time of year again...

From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)29 Jun 2008 19:34
To: ALL24 of 220
Happy to contribute please PM details.
From: Matt29 Jun 2008 20:07
To: Matty (EVSTAR) 25 of 220
This last year (counting from 1st Jul 07) we've used a massive 28GB of bandwidth.

We should probably stick with EuroVPS if it's going to cost us £700 a year with 1and1! Can probably quite rightly kick up regarding the Plesk License as well, now we're committing to another 12 months.
From: craig (CHARTLEY)29 Jun 2008 21:27
To: ALL26 of 220
Add me to the mass PM with your details PB.
From: af (CAER)29 Jun 2008 22:20
To: ALL27 of 220
Me also :{)
From: patch29 Jun 2008 22:26
To: ALL28 of 220
Same here, PB, ta muchly.
From: Woggy29 Jun 2008 22:42
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 29 of 220
Add me to your donations email.
From: william29 Jun 2008 22:50
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 30 of 220
me too - ta.
From: ANT_THOMAS29 Jun 2008 23:28
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 31 of 220
Oh, also, are the details the same as last year?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Jun 2008 07:04
To: ANT_THOMAS 32 of 220
Only if I can't easily get a specific Teh bank account setup in time.
I'll talk to some banks in the next few days and see what's what.
EDITED: 30 Jun 2008 07:05 by BOUGHTONP
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)30 Jun 2008 08:08
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 33 of 220
Moi aussi. Merci bien.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)30 Jun 2008 10:21
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 34 of 220
Me too!
From: Linn (INDYLS)30 Jun 2008 15:12
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 35 of 220
Send me details too Peter. I'll have to do a bank draft, same as last time - I dont have paypal and my bank won't transfer to UK. Hope thats ok.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)30 Jun 2008 15:38
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 36 of 220
Me too, if they've changed since last year.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)30 Jun 2008 16:47
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 37 of 220
Count me in again mate.
Message 34582.38 was deleted
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Jun 2008 22:03
To: Linn (INDYLS) 39 of 220
Bank draft will be fine (will confirm payment/address details once I've sorted out the bank account stuff).

Nothing sent yet, but to confirm I haven't overlooked anyone thus far, here is the list of the eighteen people that have requested a PM:
Hugh et al le Pies (KOSWIX)
Dr Nick (FOZZA)
craig (CHARTLEY)
Mr Truffy (MR_BASTARD)
... (53NORTH)
From: Manthorp30 Jun 2008 23:24
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 40 of 220
Rendle will pay 2xbrick.
From: Golden Axe 1 Jul 2008 00:13
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 41 of 220

Well, I work for a web design company and I've been told that if I ever need any hosting..


I don't know if they'll host a forum or not, I would have to ask, and haven't been there long, but this time next year providing everything works out and I'm still there, etc.

From: Dave!! 1 Jul 2008 01:08
To: Manthorp 42 of 220
He's also offered to pay on behalf of any students here too, which is nice! :)
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 1 Jul 2008 09:15
To: milko 43 of 220
Amazon Cash? Bump bump