It's that time of year again...

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)13 Oct 2008 23:09
To: ALL219 of 220
Ok, so there's a diagram following in a moment, but to summarise what it shows:

- We need to raise a further £164 now.

- We can then forget all about hosting fees until Sep 2010
(when we will need to raise around £162, depending on what happens to the EUR-GBP exchange rate between now and then)

Here's the image showing how all that works:
diagram showing breakdown of hosting fees/etc.

If anyone either hasn't yet donated, or is able to give a bit more, just give me a prod and I'll send you the payment details.
From: Mikee20 Oct 2008 04:19
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 220 of 220