It's that time of year again...

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Sep 2008 12:33
To: Woggy 169 of 220
The drop down link is fine.

This is for adding the referral id to Amazon links within posts.
From: Woggy25 Sep 2008 12:45
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 170 of 220
Ah, that's alright then B-)
From: Al JunioR (53NORTH)25 Sep 2008 23:09
To: Matt 171 of 220
I landed once on an obscure forum, and every 3 posts was one line of small dark text in the field BG with a hyperlink to something mentioned in the last 3 posts. Was deadly accurate, with some great web links. Think it was a gardening forum, when I was looking for obscure recipes.
From: Matt 2 Oct 2008 22:31
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 172 of 220
Think you'll be wanting to reopen that ticket (or open a new one).

Our Plesk License has expired. Again.

This time it's gone completely, well Plesk is still there and I can login but I now can't use anything, it just goes to the purchase license page, even when logging in as root.

Seeing as we've just paid out for another year in advance the least you'd expect is for them to give us another year long Plesk License.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2 Oct 2008 23:06
To: Matt 173 of 220
Grrr! I want to thump the idiots.

I've re-opened the previous ticket, will let you know when they reply.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2 Oct 2008 23:14
To: Matt 174 of 220
Well, initial response is nice and prompt:
Dear Peter,

We are working on your issue and would update you our findings soon.

Sam M.
Team Leader
Plesk Linux/Unix Support
EuroVPS, Inc.
EDITED: 2 Oct 2008 23:15 by BOUGHTONP
From: Matt 2 Oct 2008 23:31
To: ALL175 of 220

Oh, can you see what they can do about upgrading us / moving to a new server as well?


Upgrading Apache, MySQL and PHP at least would be nice, but a whole new server that someone actually supports would be better. Something less archaic than Redhat 3AS, which not even Redhat support anymore it seems.

EDITED: 2 Oct 2008 23:33 by MATT
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 3 Oct 2008 04:05
To: Matt 176 of 220

Matt, monthly, our sites average a couple thousand live body visitors, non bots or crawlers, the adsense haven't netted anything yet. We don't put them in the member areas, like forums, member pages, etc., just on main site pages. We get more from member donations.


We've been looking into some affiliate programs to use instead. Mostly credit cards, web hosting companies, financial institutions, insurance, damaged credit lending, gambling sites, and a few pay sites. These seem to be among the better payers.


We've also been checking the local area for businesses that might be interested in being sponsors, possibly for a banner in the rotations we run on the main sites.


If you like, I can send you a copy of the rotater. It's easy to set up and manage, and runs on php pages. If you want to use it on a html page, then you have to iframe it. Let me know if you want the rotater.


Also, we're sending you a little thank you for all the help you've been giving us at hof. You've been a true sweety. Thank you.

EDITED: 3 Oct 2008 09:19 by CYBATRON
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 3 Oct 2008 09:28
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 177 of 220

We're kicking some money Matt's way this week, but if you send me the paypal information, CFN can send something in next week to help out.


It'll also give me some time to check with the other owners and staff members and see if they can kick anything in too.


I know I get a payment this week, so I can kick in at least 25 American. I don't know what that translates to at your end, never did understand that stuff, but it might get you a little closer. If the other owners and staff kick in, Beehive will get more.


How does that sound to you?



EDITED: 3 Oct 2008 09:28 by CYBATRON
From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Oct 2008 12:16
To: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 178 of 220



You guys do a lot of kicking, hope you don't get sore feet!

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Oct 2008 18:58
To: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 179 of 220
What Ant said. :)

I've just sent you the relevant PM.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Oct 2008 20:00
To: Matt 180 of 220
Regarding the RHEL3/5 stuff, they've replied with this:

Yes we could do that .

You can switch to one of the plans available on .

We would migrate your data and preserve your Ip's if you maintain the annual subscription. The Centos 5 version ma be chosen for your needs.

Kindly let us know your thoughts about the same.

(As you probably know, Centos is almost identical to RHEL, just with the trademarked stuff stripped out.)

On a side matter, I looked at the original post (to compare prices) and the currencies have all gone funny.
EDITED: 3 Oct 2008 20:00 by BOUGHTONP
From: Matt 3 Oct 2008 20:19
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 181 of 220
Are they saying there's no extra charge to upgrade?

If that's the case do it!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Oct 2008 20:36
To: Matt 182 of 220
That seems to be what they're saying... although not sure if he's asking which plan or not.
I'm guessing they wouldn't give us the CT 8800P for free.
Currently we're on a 512MB plan with 10GB disk, which matches closest to CT 2800P, however price-wise we're equiv to ~€50 a month, which is nearest to the CT 4800P.

Do you have suitable backups of everything, in case of standard upgrade disaster situation?
From: Matt 3 Oct 2008 22:03
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 183 of 220
If they're happy to give us the CT 4800P for no extra charge that would be good. We'd actually gain a little bit more RAM. Best to get them to clarify their position I guess.

Backup wise, I have a week old one, but it would probably make sense to ask them when they can do it (if not immediatly) and I can do a backup and shut down the forum just prior to them doing the move so that nothing goes astray.
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 4 Oct 2008 03:14
To: ANT_THOMAS 184 of 220
Aerobics. Gotta love'em. :)
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 4 Oct 2008 03:15
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 185 of 220
Thanks. I'll see it gets put to good use. :)
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 Oct 2008 00:24
To: Matt 186 of 220
Gah, I'm not sure how to take their answer again... :/

quote: me
Thanks Sam.

Just to clarify: we would be moved across to the equivalent Centos 5 plan (the CT 4800P ?), and everything would be migrated so no need to re-configure or anything else?

Can you give a rough estimate on how long this would take, and when it could be done?
(this would allow us to give advance warning to users, "site will be down for approx X hours/minutes at X time")

quote: william@eurovps
We are verifying your query and will update you our findings soon.

quote: sam@eurovps
The maximum downtime involved is 5 hours and we would complete the process for you as in plesk of the old server.
From: Matt 5 Oct 2008 00:42
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 187 of 220
I think he has Plesk on the mind :)

Have they said whether or not it will actually cost us anything more? Might need to get straight to the point and ask them, making a point to specify the Centos 5 (4800P) plan.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 Oct 2008 18:21
To: Matt 188 of 220
Nope, those are the only two responses.

Have just sent:
Thanks. Just to confirm, we will continue to pay the same annual rate subscription, and will be switched across to the Centos5 CT 4800P plan?

So will see what the reply is.