It's that time of year again...

From: paul18 Sep 2008 21:02
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 144 of 220
I think he means "what are the scores on the doors?"

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)18 Sep 2008 21:48
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 145 of 220

Something like that ^ .


(it made sense at the time, something along the lines of "squid levels, beep beep snoozing Pete, is it all balanced?" ) :Y

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)18 Sep 2008 23:06
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 146 of 220
A little short with the TD Affiliate Pot excluded, but otherwise fine...

£427.26 / £492.99
From: Matt24 Sep 2008 11:32
To: ALL147 of 220

Been thinking about next year, and being a little short of the total this year.

We now get sufficient enough Guests visiting on a regular basis that it might pay for us to add some Google Adwords (or other advertising scheme) that shows for the Guests. Might help supplement the income a bit more.

They'll be hidden for registered users, of course, like.

Yay? Nay?
From: koswix24 Sep 2008 11:38
To: Matt 148 of 220

How about charging for membership? Perhaps some kind of tiered system depending on how much you pay?


(Sorry, couldn't resist. Personally i have no issues with selling out the Guests with google ad words.)

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)24 Sep 2008 11:43
To: koswix 149 of 220
What would be a better idea would be charging for the privelege of being allowed to use certain words within posts. And Peter could bung in a fiver for every time he asks about something he wants which sounds impossible, and it turns out it's all because he doesn't have a phone line.
From: Matt24 Sep 2008 11:44
To: koswix 150 of 220
That's already in place, just you don't know about it.
From: koswix24 Sep 2008 11:45
To: Matt 151 of 220
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Sep 2008 12:22
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 152 of 220

I endorse this idea.


I also endorse Matts Google ads for Guests idea.

From: Matt24 Sep 2008 12:34
To: ALL153 of 220
Someone with better organisational skills than myself should go sign up for a Google AdSense account and tell me what you need to inject into the pages (HTML, Javascript, etc) of the pages so I can add it to the pages.
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Sep 2008 12:35
To: Matt 154 of 220
I vote Peter.
From: dave (10_ROGUE)24 Sep 2008 12:39
To: ANT_THOMAS 155 of 220

Is the referal link still added to links posted? I'm sure it was then got removed, why not put it back for all those of us who forget to use it.


Probly worth bookmarking it too.
(added to my list of things to forget to do later).

EDITED: 24 Sep 2008 12:40 by 10_ROGUE
From: milko24 Sep 2008 12:40
To: ALL156 of 220
Sorry, sorry sorry. I still haven't sorted the amazon affiliates thing. I will!
From: Dave!!24 Sep 2008 12:57
To: Matt 157 of 220
Good idea and one I also endorse :)
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Sep 2008 13:15
To: Dave!! 158 of 220
From: MrTrent24 Sep 2008 13:30
To: Matt 159 of 220
It's probably a good idea, as long as we never have to see them.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Sep 2008 13:49
To: Matt 160 of 220
Hmmm, just to make things clearer: the £427 excludes any referral pots.

TradeDoubler requires a bank account, and I didn't want to put it all in my account until I got around to sorting out a Teh Bank Account, so simplest solution is to use that amount as the starting balance for next year, once I actually get the account setup.

Um, I'll do a diagram:

And that's also excluding the Amazon pot which milko is sorting out very soon, yes? :)

IOW, I don't think we should/need to bother with the AdSense stuff.

However, we should definitely either:

1) just restore the auto-referral links.

2) write a filter that adds a "teh referral link" option after any normal link, so people have a choice which one to follow.

3) same as 2, but in reverse (so main link is referral, and there's a "non referral" placed after it).
EDITED: 24 Sep 2008 13:50 by BOUGHTONP
From: Matt24 Sep 2008 14:12
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 161 of 220
The referral stuff should be active, for and at least. Unless the word filters are broken again, but I don't think they are.

With the Adsense stuff, I'm thinking it would help just to boost the income a little bit. I've seen a few sites go under just trying to survive on donations, and with Beehive becoming more and more popular I wouldn't want this place to start costing anyone (you) lots of money, especially if we start using oodles of bandwidth a month.

If you're worried about people being turned away by the presence of adverts we can always add a little foot note to them explaining how they'll disappear after you register sort of thing.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Sep 2008 14:38
To: Matt 162 of 220
Xen linked something the other day that didn't have the referral bit on it, and I'm sure I've seen other similar situations.

I'm wondering about you specifying the for Amazon there though?


Neither have it in the preview...
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Sep 2008 14:45
To: Matt 163 of 220

As for the AdSense / hosting costs...


How much data transfer do we have? - I remember it being something huge like 500GB a month, and we'd have to have quite a lot more visits to reach that (I'd be surprised if we're even near 10% of that at the moment.)


I think pushing the affiliate stuff is more likely to boost income than AdSense - how many people actually follow AdSense vs affiliate links?

EDITED: 24 Sep 2008 14:46 by BOUGHTONP