It's that time of year again...

Message 34582.10 was deleted
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Jun 2008 15:56
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 11 of 220
Ooops, good point. :$
EDITED: 29 Jun 2008 15:57 by BOUGHTONP
From: Dave!!29 Jun 2008 16:09
To: ALL12 of 220
I can throw some money your way too :)
From: dyl29 Jun 2008 16:13
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 13 of 220
Remind us how.
From: Manthorp29 Jun 2008 16:31
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 14 of 220
I'll bung in the usual 50p. Just give us the paypal or whatever.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Jun 2008 17:08
To: dyl 15 of 220
In a few days time I'll PM bank details to everyone who has either posted or PMed me.

Don't want to start doing it as people post though - easier to do it in bulk.

Plus I'm looking into the NPO/community bank account thing again, and would be simpler to pay directly into that.
(Found info from Barclays and HSBC so far.)
From: milko29 Jun 2008 18:06
To: ALL16 of 220
There's probably some Amazon money and I'll also add my bit - check it later today if I can.
From: Matty (EVSTAR)29 Jun 2008 18:08
To: ALL17 of 220
You could get a whole server to yourself with plesk for $58.74 a month from
From: paul29 Jun 2008 18:15
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 18 of 220
PM transfer details please.
From: ANT_THOMAS29 Jun 2008 18:23
To: ALL19 of 220

How much space and bandwidth do we get on this server?


Is there any plan to let some of us use the space like was mentioned ages ago when we actually moved to our own dedicated server. It'll obviously be at a fee, which would go towards paying for the server.

From: Matt29 Jun 2008 18:45
To: Matty (EVSTAR) 20 of 220
Do 1and1 renew their Plesk licenses after the first year on behalf of the client?

With EuroVPS after the first year was up our 30 domain / unlimited POP3 Plesk license expired. Since then we've been running on a license for 1 domain and 2 POP3 accounts which is doable, but quite sucky.

The US Dollar does make that offer very nice. Current exchange rate would cost us £355 for a year, and it's all up to date installs, Plesk 8.3, PHP5, MySQL 5, etc. which saves me the trouble of upgrading them myself. If Pete can get the money back from EuroVPS that they've already taken, that might be a good thing to go for.

If we do choose to change, before we contact EuroVPS, give me a chance to get a backup made because I can see them being completely unhelpful and simply deleting our account and virtual server the minute we try and cancel.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Jun 2008 19:11
To: Matt 21 of 220
Getting the money back shouldn't be a problem - if EuroVPS get arsey then I'll just talk directly to Barclaycard and ask them to cancel it.
Since there was no explicit authorisation of the payment, I'm guessing it shouldn't be a problem.

Done nothing yet though, and will wait for clear instructions before doing so.
EDITED: 29 Jun 2008 19:13 by BOUGHTONP
From: Matty (EVSTAR)29 Jun 2008 19:25
To: Matt 22 of 220

Gah sorry i did the $ sign instead of the £ sign :(


£58.74 (server in Germany) or $100 for a us rootserver (server in the datacenter i work in the middle of the usa)


Ill ask about the plesk licensing at work. but im pretty sure that gets taken care of for you.

From: Matty (EVSTAR)29 Jun 2008 19:31
To: Matty (EVSTAR) 23 of 220
oh and you 2000 gb of bandwidth a month :D
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)29 Jun 2008 19:34
To: ALL24 of 220
Happy to contribute please PM details.
From: Matt29 Jun 2008 20:07
To: Matty (EVSTAR) 25 of 220
This last year (counting from 1st Jul 07) we've used a massive 28GB of bandwidth.

We should probably stick with EuroVPS if it's going to cost us £700 a year with 1and1! Can probably quite rightly kick up regarding the Plesk License as well, now we're committing to another 12 months.
From: craig (CHARTLEY)29 Jun 2008 21:27
To: ALL26 of 220
Add me to the mass PM with your details PB.
From: af (CAER)29 Jun 2008 22:20
To: ALL27 of 220
Me also :{)
From: patch29 Jun 2008 22:26
To: ALL28 of 220
Same here, PB, ta muchly.
From: Woggy29 Jun 2008 22:42
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 29 of 220
Add me to your donations email.