Get Well Soon Thread for Mouse

From: koswix25 Jun 2008 12:09
To: Mouse 46 of 54
From: Matt25 Jun 2008 13:40
To: Mouse 47 of 54
Ow. Bet none of this would have happened if you'd all gone camping.
From: Mouse25 Jun 2008 13:57
To: Matt 48 of 54
Haha :(
From: Woggy25 Jun 2008 14:17
To: Mouse 49 of 54
Bloody hell dude, you must have been hammered. At least you can get Jodie at your beck and call for a few weeks hehe!
From: Mouse25 Jun 2008 14:32
To: Woggy 50 of 54
Yes, she's loving that.
From: MrTrent25 Jun 2008 14:57
To: Mouse 51 of 54
So where exactly did the badgers fit in?
From: Dave!!25 Jun 2008 15:36
To: Matt 52 of 54
Quite right. He'd have tripped over and flattened Steve's tent instead :)
From: Mouse25 Jun 2008 16:22
To: ALL53 of 54

MrTrent: They probably interefered with me during the lost time.
Dave!!!: No I would have crawled in steve's tent and thoroughly made a mess of it instead.

From: Manthorp25 Jun 2008 16:40
To: MrTrent 54 of 54
I was surprised they DID fit in, tbh. We had trouble explaining them away at Casualty.