Get Well Soon Thread for Mouse

From: Mouse25 Jun 2008 11:58
To: Matt 45 of 54

I've pieced together the best I can what happened; I'd gone to go ring Jodi and was just pottering about Steeton top round where Steve's house is. While down some back road I tripped off a kerb or something and fell arse over tit. Tried to stand up and was in so much pain I fell back over in the mud and rain and must have passed out... For ages. Came too, absolutely drenched and had to drag myself to Steve's house to make his sofa and carpet a complete mess. So, in conclusion.. me = silly cunt + very sorry.



From: koswix25 Jun 2008 12:09
To: Mouse 46 of 54
From: Matt25 Jun 2008 13:40
To: Mouse 47 of 54
Ow. Bet none of this would have happened if you'd all gone camping.
From: Mouse25 Jun 2008 13:57
To: Matt 48 of 54
Haha :(
From: Woggy25 Jun 2008 14:17
To: Mouse 49 of 54
Bloody hell dude, you must have been hammered. At least you can get Jodie at your beck and call for a few weeks hehe!
From: Mouse25 Jun 2008 14:32
To: Woggy 50 of 54
Yes, she's loving that.
From: MrTrent25 Jun 2008 14:57
To: Mouse 51 of 54
So where exactly did the badgers fit in?
From: Dave!!25 Jun 2008 15:36
To: Matt 52 of 54
Quite right. He'd have tripped over and flattened Steve's tent instead :)
From: Mouse25 Jun 2008 16:22
To: ALL53 of 54

MrTrent: They probably interefered with me during the lost time.
Dave!!!: No I would have crawled in steve's tent and thoroughly made a mess of it instead.

From: Manthorp25 Jun 2008 16:40
To: MrTrent 54 of 54
I was surprised they DID fit in, tbh. We had trouble explaining them away at Casualty.