Get Well Soon Thread for Mouse

From: ANT_THOMAS22 Jun 2008 21:24
To: Mouse 2 of 54
Yes you fool! Hope you're alright!
From: MrTrent22 Jun 2008 21:43
To: Manthorp 3 of 54
What's wrong with him?
From: Manthorp22 Jun 2008 22:10
To: MrTrent 4 of 54
Read the gory details HERE.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)22 Jun 2008 22:41
To: Manthorp 5 of 54

We need Serg's photo as PROOF.



From: MrTrent22 Jun 2008 22:53
To: Manthorp 6 of 54
Ha, silly bugger!

I've broken my ankle when drunk before and i got no sympathy from anyone. I was only on crutches for three weeks, thank god, but i was an object of ridicule for every day of it. It seems that Mouse deserves to be treated in a similar fashion.

Why would they keep him in overnight though?
From: milko22 Jun 2008 23:21
To: MrTrent 7 of 54
too drunk-looking to be trusted to get home, perhaps? Get well soon Mouse!
From: Voltane22 Jun 2008 23:41
To: MrTrent 8 of 54
quote: MrTrent

Why would they keep him in overnight though?

*insert legless joke here*

Get well soon Mouse!!
From: Dave!!22 Jun 2008 23:48
To: ALL9 of 54
Dear Mouse,

Get yourself better RIGHT NOW :'C

Hugs and kisses,

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)23 Jun 2008 00:32
To: Mouse 10 of 54

Get well soon, Mr Mouse!!


(Your watch is still at Steve's (probably) - Serg fixed it.

From: craig (CHARTLEY)23 Jun 2008 00:44
To: Manthorp 11 of 54

Mr Mouse, do get well as soon as possible.


PS. I hope your leg/ankle fixes itself as soon as is possible.

From: dyl23 Jun 2008 02:40
To: MrTrent 12 of 54

I broke someone's bathroom quite badly when drunk once. I bumped my head really quite lightly on the corner of a big network of shelves, turned around, walked away and the whole thing fell to the floor and exploded.


I've never broken any bones, though.

From: MrTrent23 Jun 2008 09:33
To: dyl 13 of 54
That's nothing, i know somebody who broke somebody's brand new widescreen television while drunk.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)23 Jun 2008 10:01
To: MrTrent 14 of 54
That's nothing. I knew someone who entered into a pissing contest whilst drunk, and drowned.

(In an unrelated incident.)
From: dyl23 Jun 2008 15:11
To: ALL15 of 54

Well apparently he's still in hospital and they're deciding whether he needs an operation or not.



From: milko23 Jun 2008 15:22
To: dyl 16 of 54
eef! Poor fella.

*mental note: no early drinks with Manthorp if its gonna be a long session of boozing!*
From: Dave!!23 Jun 2008 15:22
To: dyl 17 of 54
:< Deary me. Well, here's to good news about it. With any luck it'll turn out not to be serious enough to warrant an operation.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)23 Jun 2008 15:24
To: Mouse 18 of 54
Get well soon matey. Breaking things while drunk is never good.
From: Manthorp23 Jun 2008 15:35
To: milko 19 of 54
I'm not sure whether it's bragging, or a shame-faced admission - in either case, it's lamentable - but keeping pace with my alcohol consumption is probably not a good idea for anybody but my brother (and I value my ankles too highly to try keeping pace with him).
From: DrBoff (BOFF)23 Jun 2008 16:04
To: dyl 20 of 54
Now I feel bad for mocking his ankle injury as not worse than mine :(
From: Manthorp23 Jun 2008 16:09
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 21 of 54
He has just texted to say he has thoroughly snapped his fibula. Don't they shoot horses?