Vanishing Server

From: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 3 Jun 2008 23:45
To: Matt 15 of 19
i shall look.
From: koswix10 Jun 2008 21:36
To: Matt 16 of 19

Just had it happen again and managed to make my clumsy fingers work quickly enough to do a tracert while it was out.


C:\Documents and Settings\Kos>tracert
Unable to resolve target system name



From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)10 Jun 2008 21:45
To: koswix 17 of 19
Yeah, I had a server not found error. But 5 minutes later it was founded again.
From: Matt10 Jun 2008 21:59
To: koswix 18 of 19
That says DNS error to me which will be 123-reg fucking up as we don't operate our own DNS servers any more (but maybe we should)
From: koswix10 Jun 2008 22:19
To: Matt 19 of 19
Well in that case I say fuck the 123 Reg in the ass.