Can't Browse Teh in Firefox

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 May 2008 17:28
To: ALL10 of 33
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 May 2008 17:33
To: Manthorp 11 of 33
Btw, your sig link currently stretches across the whole width of the post... assuming that's not deliberate, could you change it to this:
<div align="center"><a href=""><font color="#FF0000"></font></a></div>

Which will mean only the text itself is linked, and so I wont keep accidentily clicking on the whitespace and opening your page. :)
From: Matt25 May 2008 17:34
To: ALL12 of 33

In addition to what Xen and Pete said, can those affected disable their PM popup as well as the stats display.


Also post your anti-virus of choice and try disabling it temporarily or white listing and report back the results.

From: Manthorp25 May 2008 18:09
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 13 of 33
Soz, I hadn't noticed I'd done that. I will change it.
From: koswix25 May 2008 18:32
To: dyl 14 of 33
Is it more than just me?

EDIT: Ah, missed that Manny said he had it on one of his machines.
EDITED: 25 May 2008 18:41 by KOSWIX
From: koswix25 May 2008 18:39
To: ANT_THOMAS 15 of 33

You hit the nail on the head!


I just uninstalled 0.0.14 and reverted to 0.0.13, same problem.


just on the off chance I checked the add-ons thing and it seems that Skype installed an extension without telling me. Uninstalled that and everything's working again!

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 May 2008 18:56
To: koswix 16 of 33
Hmmm, that's the second time I've heard of that Skype plugin, both times in the context of it fucking things up.

From: Manthorp25 May 2008 19:22
To: koswix 17 of 33
I've got the Skype extension on both, though. I'll try removing from Baby Blue & report back.
From: ANT_THOMAS25 May 2008 19:36
To: Manthorp 18 of 33
Is the working one on Vista? and the not working XP?
From: Manthorp25 May 2008 20:38
To: ANT_THOMAS 19 of 33
Vista is the working one.
From: koswix25 May 2008 21:23
To: Manthorp 20 of 33
From: Manthorp25 May 2008 21:27
To: koswix 21 of 33
/well/ /wot/ /?/
From: koswix25 May 2008 21:33
To: Manthorp 22 of 33
From: ANT_THOMAS25 May 2008 21:43
To: ALL23 of 33
From what's been posted. It seems it's the Skype extension on Firefox in XP.
From: Dave!!26 May 2008 00:06
To: ANT_THOMAS 24 of 33
Probably explains why it works fine for me in FF then. Latest version under XP, but no Skype extension.
From: Manthorp26 May 2008 08:29
To: koswix 25 of 33

However, Firefox still works on Little Blue with the extension in place. It's an earlier version of Skype,, whereas the version on Baby Blue is

So if you value the extension (which I have never employed - it turns phone numbers into Skype buttons) just install a legacy version of Skype, I guess. Or form a mighty lobbying force, march up to Skype's doors and demand change NOW!
From: koswix26 May 2008 09:50
To: Manthorp 26 of 33
i didn't even know it was installed!
From: Manthorp26 May 2008 10:01
To: koswix 27 of 33
The bounders!

Actually, I have a feeling that the install routine does ask.
From: koswix26 May 2008 16:22
To: Manthorp 28 of 33
That assumes I was paying attention :$
From: dyl26 May 2008 20:06
To: ALL29 of 33
Did I put it in this folder? I can't remember. Certainly didn't mean to. Oops if so.