Teh Camp Meat - 12th July - Gordale Scar

From: ANT_THOMAS14 May 2008 23:04
To: Mouse 6 of 20

I could be at T in the Park.


My mate won two weekend camping tickets. He has to decide between me and his girlfriend.


Easy choice really, I have a car and camping stuff. She doesn't.


Bros before hoes.

From: JonCooper15 May 2008 00:41
To: ANT_THOMAS 7 of 20
how did he win "weekend camping tickets" that didn't include access to camping equipment ?
isn't that basically "weekend access to a field tickets" ?

<lightbuld moment>

T in the Park - isn't Teh in the park, is it ?
This is a concert and your mate has tickets that include permission to camp

this post is now bollocks but, meh, it's all written now ...
From: ANT_THOMAS15 May 2008 00:51
To: JonCooper 8 of 20



As you've probably already found out - music festival in Scotland and he won weekend tickets which include camping.

From: JonCooper15 May 2008 00:53
To: ANT_THOMAS 9 of 20
I didn't look it up, but did guess (about halfway through the post) that some kind of music festival was more likely
From: DrBoff (BOFF)15 May 2008 06:32
To: Mouse 10 of 20
Probably can't do then :( My mum is 60 the day before.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)15 May 2008 08:14
To: Mouse 11 of 20
Nope - too many events around that time, need cash for the holiday at the end of July, etc.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)15 May 2008 10:15
To: Mouse 12 of 20

As much as I would love to (and I would, by the way!) that gives me 4 solid weeks of being away on a weekend which is getting on the verge of excessive.


On saying that - I'll keep an eye on developments and mebbe I can pursuade Jane to come - if only because it looks to be a nice bit of the world and she likes waterfalls.


It's a good 3 hour drive in the van, though :s

From: dyl15 May 2008 18:37
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 13 of 20
There's some great swimming to be had in Wharfedale also, and that should be a good time of year for it. Shame I'll be away. Except not really because the festival I'm going to is the most fun in the world ever.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)15 May 2008 19:27
To: ALL14 of 20

I would do my bestest to make any date you throw up . So try some other dates.


I would also drag Milko up too.

From: milko15 May 2008 20:17
To: ALL15 of 20
Actually I thought this was what I was maybeing earlier. Any later in July is a definite no-no for me btw. This date is a maybe.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)15 May 2008 21:23
To: milko 16 of 20
You little heart-breaker, you.
From: milko15 May 2008 22:10
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 17 of 20
I will be, as appears to be the fashion for avoiding tese events, camping in France later in July, see. And I'm very confused about things in general.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)15 May 2008 22:51
To: milko 18 of 20
Pretend I made a joke about 'camping' and 'france' and it was funny. I'm too tired and confused by things in general to do it myself.
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)18 May 2008 09:29
To: Mouse 19 of 20
i shall be on me 'olidays

Yorkshire is a bit of a trek anyway!
From: af (CAER)31 May 2008 20:02
To: Mouse 20 of 20

Hooray, I approve of this event and have desire to attend.


Can't think of any reason why I can't come :D