Teh Camp Meat - 12th July - Gordale Scar

From: Mouse14 May 2008 22:44
To: ALL1 of 20

So... Yorks on, but there was an audible "awww" from some members about the lack of tents. So what about Saturday 12th July at Gordale Scar as discussed before.


Also, who would like to design a Teh Camp Meat Logo that we could use for promot<dies>

From: Rich (RICARD00)14 May 2008 22:45
To: Mouse 2 of 20
I'll do the logo camping with 2 of my offspirng.
From: dyl14 May 2008 22:51
To: Mouse 3 of 20
I'll be in France. And so should you be. St Chartier, innit.
From: Mouse14 May 2008 22:55
To: dyl 4 of 20
I will be in France two weeks after :(
From: dyl14 May 2008 22:55
To: Mouse 5 of 20
From: ANT_THOMAS14 May 2008 23:04
To: Mouse 6 of 20

I could be at T in the Park.


My mate won two weekend camping tickets. He has to decide between me and his girlfriend.


Easy choice really, I have a car and camping stuff. She doesn't.


Bros before hoes.

From: JonCooper15 May 2008 00:41
To: ANT_THOMAS 7 of 20
how did he win "weekend camping tickets" that didn't include access to camping equipment ?
isn't that basically "weekend access to a field tickets" ?

<lightbuld moment>

T in the Park - isn't Teh in the park, is it ?
This is a concert and your mate has tickets that include permission to camp

this post is now bollocks but, meh, it's all written now ...
From: ANT_THOMAS15 May 2008 00:51
To: JonCooper 8 of 20



As you've probably already found out - music festival in Scotland and he won weekend tickets which include camping.

From: JonCooper15 May 2008 00:53
To: ANT_THOMAS 9 of 20
I didn't look it up, but did guess (about halfway through the post) that some kind of music festival was more likely
From: DrBoff (BOFF)15 May 2008 06:32
To: Mouse 10 of 20
Probably can't do then :( My mum is 60 the day before.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)15 May 2008 08:14
To: Mouse 11 of 20
Nope - too many events around that time, need cash for the holiday at the end of July, etc.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)15 May 2008 10:15
To: Mouse 12 of 20

As much as I would love to (and I would, by the way!) that gives me 4 solid weeks of being away on a weekend which is getting on the verge of excessive.


On saying that - I'll keep an eye on developments and mebbe I can pursuade Jane to come - if only because it looks to be a nice bit of the world and she likes waterfalls.


It's a good 3 hour drive in the van, though :s

From: dyl15 May 2008 18:37
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 13 of 20
There's some great swimming to be had in Wharfedale also, and that should be a good time of year for it. Shame I'll be away. Except not really because the festival I'm going to is the most fun in the world ever.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)15 May 2008 19:27
To: ALL14 of 20

I would do my bestest to make any date you throw up . So try some other dates.


I would also drag Milko up too.

From: milko15 May 2008 20:17
To: ALL15 of 20
Actually I thought this was what I was maybeing earlier. Any later in July is a definite no-no for me btw. This date is a maybe.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)15 May 2008 21:23
To: milko 16 of 20
You little heart-breaker, you.
From: milko15 May 2008 22:10
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 17 of 20
I will be, as appears to be the fashion for avoiding tese events, camping in France later in July, see. And I'm very confused about things in general.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)15 May 2008 22:51
To: milko 18 of 20
Pretend I made a joke about 'camping' and 'france' and it was funny. I'm too tired and confused by things in general to do it myself.
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)18 May 2008 09:29
To: Mouse 19 of 20
i shall be on me 'olidays

Yorkshire is a bit of a trek anyway!
From: af (CAER)31 May 2008 20:02
To: Mouse 20 of 20

Hooray, I approve of this event and have desire to attend.


Can't think of any reason why I can't come :D