Teh Meat - 21st June - York

From: craig (CHARTLEY)18 Jun 2008 00:28
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 154 of 224
Bah. Some hat shop it was, didn't sell any fez style hats.

From: Mouse18 Jun 2008 08:55
To: craig (CHARTLEY) 155 of 224
Are you doon lad?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)18 Jun 2008 09:30
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 156 of 224
Thank you. You were just as drunk when you posted that as you were when we were there, aren't you? My theory is correct!
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)18 Jun 2008 09:32
To: craig (CHARTLEY) 157 of 224

It sold some fine top hats, though.


Last time I wore a hat, I got punched by a miscreant. :(
It was in Edinburgh, too. I expected better.

From: Mouse18 Jun 2008 09:48
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 158 of 224
We stayed for one night and found the evening bar staff and landlady rude and ignorant. In particular an evening member of the barstaff with a Liverpudlian accent was openly calling the customers in the bar "freaks and tight bastards" at the top of his voice to another member of staff so that we could all hear, he then proceeded to pick up a daily paper and make derogitory comments about issues and people mentioned. He called last orders and was put out when we walked towards the bar to purchase 2 small drinks, we were served but it was not with a smile. He sighed heavily many times, looked at his watch and slammed the drinks down spilling most on the already soggy beer mat. The following morning we came down from our unclean, overpriced room for breakfast. The breakfast itself was fine but the landladys presence and constant scowl was off putting to say the least and was the final straw. Not a welcoming place at all, I would have appreciated a ghostly visitor if only for someone friendly to talk to.

:'D Some people just don't understand the Yorkshire Way
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)18 Jun 2008 12:06
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 159 of 224
Yes, definitely just as drunk (possibly even more so) when I posted it.
From: craig (CHARTLEY)19 Jun 2008 18:30
To: Mouse 160 of 224

I am not sadly, working on Saturday and going home on the Saturday night for some birthday celebrations.


Next year!

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)20 Jun 2008 09:52
To: ALL161 of 224
Caer & Kos: I'm deeply disappointed, and now Elena won't get to meat you either :C
From: koswix20 Jun 2008 10:07
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 162 of 224
I'd love to come, I just.... can't :((
From: Voltane20 Jun 2008 12:31
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 163 of 224

I'd be more worried that she's going to meat Manthorp.
Once you've had Artfag, you never go back.

From: Rich20 Jun 2008 12:33
To: ALL164 of 224
Amy and I will be touching down (steady) at 12:41 and will grab teh nearest Forumite shortly thereafter.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)20 Jun 2008 12:40
To: Voltane 165 of 224

I have a cunning plan to avoid that...
Well ok, I don't actually, but I like saying "I have a cunning plan" :(

From: Mouse20 Jun 2008 14:56
To: ALL166 of 224
Nearly time then! If anyone wants to PM me ther mobile I shall send them mine back for a point of contact. I'll keep checking in this thread while on the move anyway though.
From: Manthorp20 Jun 2008 15:04
To: ANT_THOMAS 167 of 224
When I was in my sprightly forties ( :-(( ).
From: Manthorp20 Jun 2008 15:10
To: ALL168 of 224
Soooo, I rekkin May is currently offering a lick of her bone to Frequency Kenneth, Serge & Sergette, Voltane & the big Boffa.

Have I missed anyone except Mazzo?
From: Matt20 Jun 2008 15:37
To: ALL169 of 224
Next year I'm going to try my damnedest to get to one if not both the northern and southern meets. Then you can all buy me a drink or 5.


We might release Beehive Forum 1.0 as well.

Oh how I jest.
From: Manthorp20 Jun 2008 15:46
To: Matt 170 of 224
You bloominers-well should, Matt. You know that you would be plied with pints of gratitude until you could no longer remember how to run BoughtonP from a command line.

As for Beehive 1.0, I refer you to Xeno's Paradox.
EDITED: 20 Jun 2008 16:08 by MANTHORP
From: Mouse20 Jun 2008 16:01
To: Matt 171 of 224
You definately should. In fact, what's stopping you from jumping on a train and making it tomorrow?
From: Matt20 Jun 2008 16:06
To: Mouse 172 of 224
My Sister's 25th Birthday.

Was supposed to be going to a mate's gig at Clapham Grand but can't go to that either.

Boo. etc.
From: Manthorp20 Jun 2008 16:08
To: Matt 173 of 224
She'll be 25 again soon enough.