21st June Meat

From: koswix 3 Jun 2008 11:57
To: milko 74 of 77
I'm no scientician, but surely people are 'anti social' on public transport regardless of whether they get pissed before getting on or get pissed on their journey itself?
From: milko 3 Jun 2008 12:13
To: koswix 75 of 77
Frankly, I have never never never witnessed 'problem' drinking on the tube. Normally it's giggly office girls with a bottle of wine, or just a few guys having cans of beer on the way somewhere. Also I really really like having a 'travelling beer' on my way out to a pub or something :(

The only time I've seen bad drunks on the tube they were indeed already shitfaced and not actually carrying any booze at the time. Oh, and in the reports of the mayhem on 'last drinking night on the tube' of course, but that wouldn't have happened but for the ban.

Tsk! Its enough to make me think about going back to thinking we have an idiot mayor.
From: Voltane 3 Jun 2008 15:23
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 76 of 77
...I was gonna say "we're driving there, so you can join us", but then I remembered that you no longer live in London. Spak (me).

Speaking of which, would anyone like a lift there & back? There's enough space for another two people, although I'd have to check with Elena first (can't see why we wouldn't though).

I would provisionally like to hold a place there, please. Would be good to finally make a northern meet. Will have to check diary and money.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 3 Jun 2008 15:35
To: Voltane 77 of 77
OK - subject to Elena agreeing, s'good!