Teh time

From: Matt18 Mar 2008 23:31
To: patch 9 of 23
Yep, looks like the Aussies changed their DST scheme. Rules should be updated by the time you read this.
From: Matt18 Mar 2008 23:31
To: ALL10 of 23

If I don't break the forum that is.


/me whistles and walks away.

From: patch18 Mar 2008 23:32
To: JonCooper 11 of 23
Eeh, you foreigners, with your crazy Christmas-during-winter ways.
From: patch18 Mar 2008 23:32
To: Matt 12 of 23
Works for me. Ta muchly.
From: koswix18 Mar 2008 23:41
To: patch 13 of 23
How did it get on the roof? HOVERCAR?!!"??!?!?
From: patch18 Mar 2008 23:50
To: koswix 14 of 23
I asked. It got a leg-up from a passing wombat.
From: koswix18 Mar 2008 23:58
To: patch 15 of 23
From: patch19 Mar 2008 00:02
To: koswix 16 of 23
Tell me why you need to know first.
From: JonCooper19 Mar 2008 00:14
To: koswix 17 of 23
and why you think it's /on/ the roof when Patch clearly said it was /in/ the roof.
From: koswix19 Mar 2008 00:40
To: JonCooper 18 of 23
I thought that was just Ozzy slang for on.
From: koswix19 Mar 2008 00:41
To: patch 19 of 23
I need to know if it's worth continuing to live. If the future's shit I may as well just give up now :C
From: patch19 Mar 2008 00:54
To: koswix 20 of 23

It has possums and leg-upping wombats. What more could you want?


Oh, a hovercar? None of those, I'm afraid. They were phased out once the anti-gravity boots came in.

From: koswix19 Mar 2008 01:04
To: patch 21 of 23



Antri grav boots! POSSUM!

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Mar 2008 01:18
To: ALL22 of 23
Bloody wombats! :@
From: spinning_plates27 Mar 2008 19:15
To: koswix 23 of 23
I want an anti-gravity wombat. Can I have one? Can you maybe get me one from the future? Or Australia? I don't really care where it comes from, I just want one.