Meaty Meat Meat - 20th, 21st, 22nd June Camping in Malham

From: Mouse12 Jan 2008 00:08
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 9 of 182
Why don't we just fucking hold it in fucking Peru? Eh Greg? Eh?
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)12 Jan 2008 00:12
To: Mouse 10 of 182
I'm fucked then - the last time I camped properly was on DofE. 4 years ago.
From: Mouse12 Jan 2008 00:14
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 11 of 182
Department of Education? It's easy, get a tent, put it up, get drunk, pass out. That order is only a suggestion.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)12 Jan 2008 00:19
To: Mouse 12 of 182

See, I'm a fav of the "Pull up, get pissed, pass out" option. It's much more condusive to immediate drinking.


So, I'll enjoy a pint from the fridge while you lot struggle on with your flexible poles (No, John. I hope)

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)12 Jan 2008 00:19
To: Mouse 13 of 182
Duke of Edinburgh. I think it's like Scouts but without the ridiculous clothing.
From: Voltane12 Jan 2008 00:51
To: ALL14 of 182
Money permitting I would be interested in some kind of meet.
From: Linn (INDYLS)12 Jan 2008 01:14
To: Mouse 15 of 182

I am in agreement. Make a date in the summer and I shall most definatey come too. Scotishland would be lverly.


It could be the biggest meat ever. So yes everyone, lets plan something!


(Can't we do something to entice you out of house and home Xen? Please please, I want to meet you too this time!)

From: ANT_THOMAS12 Jan 2008 01:18
To: Linn (INDYLS) 16 of 182
Good point, Dinosaur land it is!
From: DrBoff (BOFF)12 Jan 2008 01:19
To: Linn (INDYLS) 17 of 182
We could assemble a mobile tent and move him around in it.
From: Linn (INDYLS)12 Jan 2008 01:28
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 18 of 182
Perfect! We can sprinkle it with fag ash and suround it with dinosaurs - it will be just like home. (He can provide tea)
From: milko12 Jan 2008 01:37
To: Mouse 19 of 182
Since the two biggest Southern meats lately are "Tina and Milko and Kenny go out in London for steak" or "Milko's Birthday Bash bumps into PNCool & The Gang In A Beer Festival In Earl's Court" I am fully in favour of it being in Scotland where it surely deserves to be by now. I say July because anything else I'm likely to be unable to do.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)12 Jan 2008 02:37
To: ALL20 of 182
I don't camp. But then, I don't meat either, so who fucking cares what I think?
From: Linn (INDYLS)12 Jan 2008 04:27

Why should we care Mr Rendle. Huh? If you dont want to meat us, then fuck you, we don't fucking care. So there.



From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)12 Jan 2008 10:05
To: ALL22 of 182

Scotland meat would be fun - I've made mutterings at the last few Northern Meats about everyone coming up to Glasgow and taking a trip to see Trig. Not sure that camping and Scotland and meat would be a good combination, what with the capriciousness of the weather and how far in advance we generally need to set a date for the meat.


Needless to say, if a Scottish Meat is on the cards, there is accomodation at Chez Kenny for as many as I can fit in, as long as you don't mind sleeping on top of coffee tables and in baths.

From: DrBoff (BOFF)12 Jan 2008 11:03
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 23 of 182
Surely we can just put tents up in your flat?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)12 Jan 2008 12:43
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 24 of 182
If you don't mind pitching them on coffee tables and in baths.
From: Dave!!12 Jan 2008 13:08
To: ALL25 of 182
I'd be in favour of a Scottish meat and may even have somewhere in Glasgow where I could crash for the night (if the meat is there of course).
From: dyl12 Jan 2008 13:09
To: ALL26 of 182

I don't wish to detract from this excellent Glasgow summer meat idea, but maybe we could have some kind of spring English meat before then? The summer does seem a very very long way away.


Actually, chances are I'll be in Glasgow some time before the summer, and I would expect to meat Kenny and Kos at the very least in this event.

From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)13 Jan 2008 21:57
You have meated very well in the past tho'. And played piano like a good drunk 'un.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)14 Jan 2008 09:31
To: Mouse 28 of 182
I agree. And we don't really care when and where it is, although we would prefer it to be sometime in June at earliest, and somewhere no further than 8 hours (or so) driving from London - reason being that we really should have a car by then, and I would love to drive up to [$meat_place].