Meaty Meat Meat - 20th, 21st, 22nd June Camping in Malham

From: Manthorp15 Jan 2008 21:25
To: ALL56 of 182
It's a bit Northern, but what about the campsite at Gordale Scar. Basic, no hassle campsite with bogs and showers, a snack van and SPECTACLIER views. Short walk from Malham Cove and the Hikers Bar, plus several other pubs. And indeed, tea shops.
From: Mouse15 Jan 2008 22:11
To: Manthorp 57 of 182
Corrr! I went there the other week, it was awesometastic. There is a designated camping bit just by Goredale Scar (first photo on that link what you did), though i didn't see any toilets nearby...

Anyway, that place is a seriously nice place, and Malham's got a few pubs we could easily disgrace ourselves in. We went to The Tempest a few miles away for tea afterwards which was a cracking pub / retaurant too.
From: ANT_THOMAS15 Jan 2008 22:52
To: Manthorp 58 of 182
I went camping near Malham a couple of years back so my friend could do his Geography A-Level coursework. My most recent camping trip as it happens :( It was reet good fun, especially seeing llamas.
From: Dan (HERMAND)16 Jan 2008 01:06
To: Manthorp 59 of 182

Now THIS I can get in on.


Yorkshire Dales - check.
Drink and food - check.
Lovely looking site - check.
Campervan on the main page - check.


I'm going there sometime this summer regardless of you lot.

From: DrBoff (BOFF)16 Jan 2008 02:33
To: Manthorp 60 of 182

Sounds good. What would be the best transport arrangements. It's only 42(.7 according to Google) miles from my house but I doubt there'll be any way to get from there to there so some sort of lift would be excellent.


Also, when were we thinking?

From: koswix16 Jan 2008 10:33
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 61 of 182

42 miles in which direction?


It's only about 4 hours from Edinburgh so I'd probably be up for driving to it - also my car is fairly mahoosive and can quite comfortably fit 5 adults + luggage, so would be up for picking folk up along the way.

From: DrBoff (BOFF)16 Jan 2008 10:42
To: koswix 62 of 182
SW. I think you'd probably go through Richmond on the way down, so that's a possibility.
From: koswix16 Jan 2008 10:49
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 63 of 182
According to Google maps Richmond is NE of the place? :?
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ)16 Jan 2008 10:59
To: Manthorp 64 of 182
Can we have fresh pizza for breakfast?
From: DrBoff (BOFF)16 Jan 2008 16:22
To: koswix 65 of 182
So.... Malham is SW of Richmond then, like I said?
From: koswix16 Jan 2008 16:32
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 66 of 182

Aaaah, my bad - I read it that Richmond was SW of Malham.


If I drive I'll probably be going down the west coast as it's about an hour quicker, and therefore approaching Malham from the wrong side. But if you're stuck and I'm sure we can sort something out.

From: Mouse19 Jan 2008 22:43
To: ALL67 of 182

Ok, I think there was generally nice noises about camping at Gordale Scar, I've just got my Battle of the Bands dates through so I'm going to be utterly selfish and say a date I can do and see what everyone says.


11th/12th July



From: ANT_THOMAS19 Jan 2008 22:46
To: Mouse 68 of 182

So far maybe.


I'm planning on having a birthday trip to Eastern Europe for my 21st at the end of June and I have a stag do to Bratislava sometime in July.

From: koswix19 Jan 2008 22:55
To: Mouse 69 of 182

Trains are badgered that week, how about November?



From: Dave!!19 Jan 2008 23:04
To: koswix 70 of 182

Naah, we've got to first shift it to September, then October, then finally November. Just to keep everyone on their toes and everything.


All: I have no summer plans so far. If dates and plans and whatnot are arranged, I'll see what I can sort out and all that.

From: Dan (HERMAND)19 Jan 2008 23:21
To: Mouse 71 of 182
Works for me - but can you book the Sun?
From: dyl19 Jan 2008 23:22
To: Mouse 72 of 182
Definitely bad for me. It's Bastille Day that weekend so I'll be at St Chartier.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)19 Jan 2008 23:27
To: dyl 73 of 182
From: dyl19 Jan 2008 23:28
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 74 of 182
St Chartier is the place that I will be in on Bastille Day, which is that weekend, you see.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)19 Jan 2008 23:41
To: dyl 75 of 182
Yes, I had indeed gathered that. What is missing is the why. Is this happenstance or a specific event to commemorate Bastille Day, and if so why are you celebrating said event (not that you shouldn't, more to the effect why bother?)