Someone can't post or write PMs

From: milko 9 Jan 2008 18:38
To: ANT_THOMAS 9 of 17
This is what happens when I try to help people. I should go back to randomly appointing mods or something.
From: milko 9 Jan 2008 18:41
To: Matt 10 of 17
Apparently this has been going on for her since yesterday and not gone away and happens to all attempted posts. Any ideas?
Message 33762.11 was deleted
From: Matt 9 Jan 2008 20:06
To: Linn (INDYLS) 12 of 17



I'm not sure why you can't post. Beyond trying the usual clearing your cache, etc., all I can do this end is reset your user preferences back to defaults to see if that helps, which I'll do now.


If you can then post please do so. If not email me or something.

From: Linn (INDYLS) 9 Jan 2008 22:02
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 13 of 17
You bastard. I knew you had something do do with it.
From: Linn (INDYLS) 9 Jan 2008 22:03
To: Matt 14 of 17

Ooh, look, its fixed. Thank you Matt. You are my hero.


Thanks also to Milko for helping out.

Message 33762.15 was deleted
From: william11 Jan 2008 22:51
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 16 of 17
It is enough that my surname is foreign, apparently.

It happened again on a different machine, different ISP etc. so I imagine it isn't a cache issue. I can post in Firefox but not in IE.
From: Linn (INDYLS)12 Jan 2008 01:02
To: william 17 of 17
No, I don't think its a cashe issue either. It was happening to me on 3 diffferant machines. But it's all fixed for me since Matt worked his magic.