I see now.

From: revlish26 Dec 2007 16:30
To: ALL1 of 3

Ok, time for a new Email. Easy to get a new one from Yahoo or MSN.
Then use it here to register again.

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)26 Dec 2007 16:59
To: revlish 2 of 3

Get a [snip]* at the same time, then. And a new personality.








*don't want to make it too easy for him

EDITED: 27 Dec 2007 01:08 by JONCOOPER
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)26 Dec 2007 17:32
To: revlish 3 of 3
The thing is, Trig, you don't NEED a new ID or email address. We'll quite happily reset the passwords on your old ones for you, to save you the hassle of registering again. Saves us the hassle of banning you again.