Why? What have I done wrong?

From: koswix27 Dec 2007 16:04
To: ANT_THOMAS 13 of 18

I fucking detest redwatch/C18 and all that bollocks. A lot of my friends and colleagues are listed on there.


I tend to check it every few months to see if anyone's been added (me, for instance :| , so far I'm not on it) but I've never chekced the Bradford page before.

From: Manthorp27 Dec 2007 18:34
To: koswix 14 of 18
Fuck knows Mouse deserves it though. Girly-haired pinko faggot.
From: koswix27 Dec 2007 18:44
To: Manthorp 15 of 18
don't get me started on that lefty tart.
From: Mouse28 Dec 2007 00:08
To: Manthorp 16 of 18
You're just jealous because I'm one of the most active Reds in Bradford.
From: koswix28 Dec 2007 00:48
To: Mouse 17 of 18
The only thing red about you is the rash you invariably leave behind after 'visiting'.
From: Gobfounded (YVE)30 Dec 2007 21:35
To: revlish 18 of 18
You were born. Enough?