This experience is second to none. Tbh.
Yeah past PC systems were good but not the perfect human PC experience.
This system (XP Pro, 2.8G Dual Core AMD, 2G DDR2, PCI-E 1950 Pro 512mb, SATA HD) is absolutely faultless.
Games load about 40% faster. Games play with no lag whatsoever.
The amount of particle effects on WIC is amazing, and my machine keeps going.
Its just remarkable.
WIC is amazing all round tbh.
Its a crying shame I cannot play Battlefield 2 because of "No valid CD key" message.
And games, well im at a turning point. I hate Dx9/10. That Oblivion game visuals put me right off. To much glow and bloom. Same goes with CM Dirt. But I hate that for reason No. 2. It just dosnt havnt the same feel on the different surfaces for some reason. I dont like it.
Iv been playing CM 2005 instead. In 2005 you brake on road surface you know your gonna stop. You brake on gravel and you know to brake earlier. I feel CM Dirt dont offer that at all.
I dont know what your PC is and what it can do. But im loving this system 110%.
PS: yeah im still on 1024 x 768(32bit), with some AA and lots of AF.
Im always on Medium Textures for older new games and medium texures for brand new games and high terrain detail, medium draw distance for most games.
Anyone play WIC here?
Whats next after PCI-E 2.0, DDR2/3, SATA II, and Dual Core?
The future will be fucked up by that time.
This is scary.
Because older PCs werent up to total experience acceptable levels.
Hardware is now becoming like the jump from sub-light travel to hyperspace.
Hardware today handles everything very well because it's awesome. Really awesome.
Win 98SE (older PCspec ) too XP (todays PC spec) was a must.
But future PCs like Vista dont really need to be a.
Im talkgin shits...
ni ite all.
We're still on plain old SATA actually.
SATA-II is the (former) name of the organisation behind SATA.