Thread Issue

From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Dec 2007 16:46
To: ALL1 of 11

As of this afternoon a load of old threads have appeared in the thread list. They are all full read and are appearing under the "Unread Discussions" option.


There are two in technical, four in general, one in coding and one in beehive development.


They all have a time next to them of 14:24. Going to the last post of the thread doesn't render them read. Well, actually, it seem Beehive knows they are read because the icon next to them is the small dot instead of the bee.

From: DrBoff (BOFF) 3 Dec 2007 17:10
To: ANT_THOMAS 2 of 11
I'm getting that too.
From: MrTrent 3 Dec 2007 17:44
To: ANT_THOMAS 3 of 11
Aye, same here. Although i'm only getting 3 in general. Still 2 in technical and two in development. Coding i have closed.
From: Cagey (KGWAGNER) 3 Dec 2007 20:29
To: ANT_THOMAS 4 of 11
We're having the same thing happen at Manic Geeks since the installation of the 0.8 upgrade. One way to get rid of it, although it's not a fix nor is it permanent, is to go to the bottom of the unread messages list, select  "Visible Discussions" in the "Mark as Read" box, and click "Go". The unread list will refresh properly at that point. Unfortunately, the problem comes back eventually. I haven't been able to see a rhyme or reason to it yet.
From: ANT_THOMAS 4 Dec 2007 04:33
To: Matt 5 of 11
Mattroooo :)
From: Matt 4 Dec 2007 09:16
To: ANT_THOMAS 6 of 11
Should be fixed already.
From: Aurora 4 Dec 2007 20:34
To: Matt 7 of 11
How can I install the patch to fix this problem on a system already upgraded to 0.8? 
From: Matt 4 Dec 2007 20:48
To: Aurora 8 of 11
The files are available in CVS, but there's no patch yet. Mainly because the patch alone won't fix the inconsistent data caused by upgrading to 0.8, which will mean either a really quick 0.8.1 release or a patch script to run which I haven't yet put together.
From: ANT_THOMAS15 Dec 2007 23:11
To: ALL9 of 11
It's doing it again.
From: MrTrent15 Dec 2007 23:36
To: ANT_THOMAS 10 of 11
Not for me it isn't.
From: Tig (TIGGER)16 Dec 2007 21:07
To: MrTrent 11 of 11
Well as I can see this thread again I can confirm :(