Photos of Teh York Meat

From: Voltane16 Nov 2007 17:09
To: Mouse 36 of 55
Oh no..........
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ)21 Nov 2007 09:14
To: Mouse 37 of 55

I'll root one out when I get home...I don't have any laying around online as I'm ugly.


Oh...sorry Craig. :-&


Having looked through the photos, it might just be that particular one...he looks like me about 6-10 years ago so I'll find an older one. I've filled out a bit over that time...

From: DarkBadger27 Nov 2007 04:32
To: ALL38 of 55
"The Red Cross explained that a malnourished child's first meal after an extended period of starvation can be quite difficult to ingest."

From: funky (ISA)28 Nov 2007 23:33
To: af (CAER) 39 of 55

Very nice photography there, Andy.


Boughton: You look a bit like Mouse from The Matrix. :O
It's partially your hands.

From: els29 Nov 2007 12:25
To: DarkBadger 40 of 55
quote: DarkBadger
"The Red Cross explained that a malnourished child's first meal after an extended period of starvation can be quite difficult to ingest."

i gotta say watta bunch of normal looking people ,, but omg , i honestly thought the image above was a woman , fuckin hell peter , are you a man trapped in a girls body , no disrespect but it must be hard when you look so feminine , not to mention undernourished .

do you have underdeveloped genitals too ? youd make a great transexual , lol ;o)
EDITED: 29 Nov 2007 12:47 by ELS
From: Woggy29 Nov 2007 14:08
To: ALL41 of 55
Fucking hell, classic !
From: af (CAER)29 Nov 2007 16:49
To: els 42 of 55
He's not like that in person, mind.
From: DarkBadger29 Nov 2007 17:33
To: af (CAER) 43 of 55
Yeah, the camera adds ten pounds.
Message 33456.44 was deleted
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1 Dec 2007 22:46
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 45 of 55
Um, thanks... I think. Doesn't bother me at all though.
From: Woggy 2 Dec 2007 00:13
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 46 of 55
Ah dude, i wasn't or didn't mean to be nasty. The comment made me laugh. I'm no oil painting.
EDITED: 2 Dec 2007 00:14 by WOGGY
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2 Dec 2007 00:24
To: Woggy 47 of 55
But I didn't take any of it as nasty!

Well, except maybe the comparison to Mouse - I am thoroughly insulted at the implication that I might be like someone who would create such an ugly dress! :@
From: Mouse 2 Dec 2007 03:58
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 48 of 55

Hey.. oh.


Sorry, carry on.

From: Mouse 2 Dec 2007 04:00
To: ALL49 of 55
(I do think we should really see a photo of Els in all their glory just to balance shit out)
From: Dave!! 2 Dec 2007 14:10
To: Mouse 50 of 55
I wouldn't ask if I were you, you'll only get something like this*.

From: els 3 Dec 2007 17:22
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 51 of 55
Sorry peter , no nastiness intended , if i offended ya i apologise for my rudeness , just my warped sense of humour . as a gesture of my sorrow i will post up a pic when i work out how too (cause i aint "g33k" enough) . In the meantime heres one of young stevo lol
EDITED: 3 Dec 2007 17:24 by ELS
From: DarkBadger10 Jan 2008 23:43
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 52 of 55
Oooh, hadn't seen this, Mr. Greg "you're girlfriend's fat" Moorlock!
Message 33456.53 was deleted
From: DSLPete (THE_TGG)16 Jan 2008 09:58
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 54 of 55
Have you got a fat bird?
From: DarkBadger20 Jan 2008 01:13
To: DSLPete (THE_TGG) 55 of 55
His last one was the size of a pip.