Design a new start page competition

From: Matt 1 Nov 2007 22:49
To: ALL1 of 4
We need a new start page. Not because the current one is no good but because changes to Beehive (Security, bleh) mean it's not going to continue to be possible to have PHP code in the start page.

What I envisage is a start page that explains a little about who we are as a community, maybe a little about our history, where we call come from, why we are here, etc. Unfortunately I couldn't design for toffee or to save my life or save the world, but I know many of you can which is why I think it would be better off in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing or thinks they know what they're doing.

The design doesn't have to be amazing, but it should probably also be more grand than <a href="gallery.php">Gallery</a>. yes, the gallery will remain, so you may link to it in any design you come up with, it just can't be embedded directly into the start page any more, that also means it can't be included in an iframe or javascript cleverness in case you were wondering. You're basically limited to whatever you can get away with posting in a message here.

If you want to have a crack at designing a replacement you can enter this little competition and win yourself some respect and / or a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside yourself (not guaranteed) every time you see the new start page.

After a suitable period of time has passed, I was thinking one week maybe two, I'll create a poll and everyone can have a go at voting for which ever they think is best.

Go do your stuff!
From: milko 2 Nov 2007 09:56
To: Matt 2 of 4
Ha, I was just winding up to say we should drop that pre-start page again too. Oh well. The idea of me having enough time to actually draw an internet these days is almost comical but I'll help if I can.
From: Woggy 2 Nov 2007 11:23
To: Matt 3 of 4

The only thing I use the start page for is to use the filter thing under the more vistors option, so I cann see peoples gamertags/steam Id's etc.


That functionality is a little burried by being under the more Visitors option to be honest. I wonder how many people would find it if they weren't told about it?


It could be moved to the Profiles section and the whole start page done away with.


The forum gallery thing could be changed to a gallery link, next to my controls in the top.html or something if people miss it?


Just an idea.

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