Gay PSU?

From: Username31 Oct 2007 20:36
To: ALL1 of 14

Install PCI-E X1950 Pro. PC on /all/ afternoon. Download, play some music & browse net.
Run 3D Mark 06, then play some Colin McRae Rally 2005 & Colin McRae Dirt. Everything A-ok. Switch PC off.


Come back from dinner, load uTorrent then play Crysis SP Demo, set all details to Medium, then set about game (fuckin amzaing GFX btw), get to the end of the sand section where it turns into jungle, whole screen turns into checkered artifact land. Exit game, Windows is the same atrifacts.
Re-boot PC, Windows display fine.
Load and play Crysis SP Demo, artifact checkered city at same place.
Check GFX for extra warm heat. Its fine.


Do I needs a new PSU?

From: milko31 Oct 2007 21:29
To: Username 2 of 14
artifacts like that usually means the graphics card is fucked rather than anything to do with the PSU. See if you can make it happen in other games though, if it's only in one then it might just be drivers. But mm, probably not. Get a few demos of up-to-date games that use all the shaders etc.
From: Username31 Oct 2007 21:59
To: milko 3 of 14

Dunno. I was also playing COD 4 - Modern Combat and MOD - Airborne demo's today.
5 mins ago Crysis fucked up at exaclty the same area it did last time. (After a reboot - PC non use for 40 mins. [watchin Heroes :D].
Im using the lastest Ati Drivers 7-10_xp32_dd_53250
I elected not to go with the full suite - 7-10_xp32_dd_ccc_wdm_enu_53250.


Think i'll remove new GFX for a month, then buy a Modular 500W PSU in a months time.

EDITED: 31 Oct 2007 22:00 by USERNAME
From: Username31 Oct 2007 22:03
To: Username 4 of 14

I got a shit Q-Tec 550W PSU, on top of that all manner of crazy power adaptors.


1 - 20 pin ATX too 24 pin ATX.
2 - 2x molex too 1x 6 pin PCI-E.


Itss craaaZy man.
Time for a modular me thinks.

From: paul31 Oct 2007 22:07
To: Username 5 of 14

I'd be more inclined to point the finger of blame at the Crysis demo as all other games/demos seem to be fine for you.


Uninstall and reinstall Crysis?

From: milko31 Oct 2007 22:14
To: Username 6 of 14
It's nothing to do with the PSU.
From: Gobfounded (YVE)31 Oct 2007 23:06
To: Username 7 of 14
It doesn't have to be gay to be not into you.
From: Username31 Oct 2007 23:08
To: milko 8 of 14

Fuckin hate PCs.
Started Colin McRae Rally 2005 after last reply.
Artifact city.


Then had to remove entire mobo just to get access to the mofo PCI-E release clip, to remove PCI-E gfx card.


Im buying a new Modular ATX 2.0/2 500W PSU.
This 2005 Q-Tec 550W sucks tesicles balls.

From: Dave!!31 Oct 2007 23:31
To: Username 9 of 14
Lack of power causes instability and crashes, not artifacts. I second other posts here. If it's now happening in other games, the graphics card has popped. Replace the PSU if you want (but go for higher than 500w), however I confidently predict that it won't solve the problem.

Edit: TLA mindspaz :|
EDITED: 31 Oct 2007 23:46 by DAVE!!
From: Username31 Oct 2007 23:36
To: Dave!! 10 of 14
Ok, RMA it is for the new GFX. :|
From: Username 1 Nov 2007 11:06
To: Dave!! 11 of 14

Yeah, I know you didnt mean CPU. Your an even bigger spaz for changing it and patronising me. You know I know, I knew you were talking about PSU.


And guess what Dave!!, IM NOT COOL enough.


-> Image ->


Im killing my new GFX with heat perhaps. If you say lack of power will cause crashes and instablity, only dead a gfx or HOT gfx will cause artifacts.
Ii cant be dead, i just ran 3d Mark 06 and Crysis PS demo for on hour now, with case open, on its side like the good ol desktop days.


That nasty chip on mobo, I thought would be onboard GFX only. But cuase theres no other it might be southbridge and every other bridge on mobo, controlling the lot.


The bottom line is, I think i need cooling.
You will agree, when you find out, I only have 4 fans in my PC situation.
2 in PSU, 1 on GFX and 1 on CPU.
Im I not cool enough?
That onboard chip is bloody hot. Its only got a 0.75 cm heatsink on it.
Too make matters worse its black. Black obsorbs heat.


Im so not cool.

From: Dave!! 1 Nov 2007 12:33
To: Username 12 of 14

Black only absorbs infra-red heat rays so unless you're going to be showing off the heatsink to the sun, the colour doesn't matter.


I'd definitely fit a case fan though. A nice 12cm fan at the back and possibly one at the front should do. No need to go overboard though.


Regarding CPU/PSU, I didn't edit it to be patronising, I edited it because I read my post and thought "Oops, bit of a fuck-up there" and hence I corrected it.

From: JonCooper 1 Nov 2007 16:06
To: Username 13 of 14
cheap check ~

take the side off the case and run it like that, maybe even use a fan to blow some air in/out of the case

you'll instantly know if it's heat related with no expense at all
From: siLver 6 Nov 2007 22:16
To: ALL14 of 14

Overcockers are issueing a replacement "stock allowing". But theres no HIS 256mb X1950Pro's in stock, and i dont think i want of the other lot on that page.


In two days TWO things have happened though.
The dam hot GFX skillz of the GeForce 8800 GT. I want one! £160 for 256mb version. And a PSU (im still para about me Q-Tec 550W) review.
Corsair was recommended here. Around £60 atm.


^^ I soo freakin want one. Slim fit, uses less power, sits just below the GTX's and beats the shit outta the 320mb's.

EDITED: 6 Nov 2007 22:21 by SILVER