Where'd it go?

From: paul 9 Nov 2007 22:42
To: milko 20 of 23



Ta muchly.



From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Nov 2007 22:50
To: paul 21 of 23
D'oh, I thought I'd done that, but it went and set it to all instead. :(
From: paul 9 Nov 2007 22:57
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 22 of 23

LOL! Glad to see I do have some uses...



From: Mike (QUIGABYTE)23 Mar 2008 03:32
To: koswix 23 of 23

Hmm yeah I deleted everything off pandasurf.


Although shit loads of it came back because, and the chances of this happening at the same time I deleted everything are astoundingly low I would estimate ... the hdd on the web server died. So when they restored from backup... and pretty much everything I deleted came back.


Anyway sorry for the loss of the backup but to be honest there was bugger all on it and it wasn't really used much.


Hopefully someone more regular (sic) can set up a new one.

