My brain is gonna explode.
Ok, the low down. The bottom line.
Worked as a documnet scanner in Glasgow for a while.
Lost wieght. yada yada yada.
Saved soo much money................
£200 for new mobo, ram and CPU. Go forth and discover for me.
Looking at the Dual Core Pentium, or fastest gaming CPU. Sok. 775 I do believe.
So many fuckin games I wanna play. Bioshock, Quake Wars, COD 4 MODERN COMBAT, Dirt, yada yada yada.
PC FOrmat still sucks, bought issue 206 the other week. Filled me in quite a bit.
Gwaddd.. here we go, here we fuckin go.
That's gotta suck, right?
Not quite. Icey bergy lettuce and lashings of stuff covered in breadcrumbs in a Birdseye fashion.
Saturday is still Dolmio day, and has been for over 20 years.
Im proud of that fact dont you know.
Co-Op is the sucky atm cause of broken down freezers. This week I mostly bought some dodgy Co-Op lemon/pepper chicken, hotdogs with vine in a jar and some spicey pork sausages. :><