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From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Sep 2007 22:25
To: koswix 7 of 12
Even over a million rolls it's perfectly possible for any one number to come up a hugely dispaportionate number of times. It may not be likely, but that's a different thing again.

Theoretically, yeah. But if that happened you wouldn't use that die as a means to selecting items that you wanted to appear 'randomly'.
From: koswix16 Sep 2007 22:48
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 of 12
Depends on your expectations ofvrandomness, really.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)17 Sep 2007 08:01
To: koswix 9 of 12
From: DrBoff (BOFF)17 Sep 2007 09:53
To: koswix 10 of 12
From: koswix17 Sep 2007 17:45
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 11 of 12
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)20 Sep 2007 00:00
To: ALL12 of 12

Worth watching to see how it ends!! Needless to say Roo 1 Human Idiots 0
EDITED: 20 Sep 2007 00:02 by FOZZA