Northern Meat (now 10th Nov)

From: koswix 7 Sep 2007 10:41
To: Dave!! 87 of 518
True :(
From: Mouse 7 Sep 2007 11:12
To: Dave!! 88 of 518
I'd personally be hesitant about going for a curry in York. It isn't Bradford. I think in the past we've eaten at the Lendal Cellars, although according to some reviews on there it now "smells bad".
EDITED: 7 Sep 2007 11:12 by MOUSE
From: craig (CHARTLEY) 7 Sep 2007 14:15
To: Dave!! 89 of 518

Oh dear there'll be eating of curries?


Sadly I was born with no ability to handle spices and as a result, when eating a curry, sweat bullets and shake whilst drinking gallons of water.


I'll start building myself up now...

From: koswix 7 Sep 2007 14:34
To: craig (CHARTLEY) 90 of 518

Mouse is a curry snob so we probably won't be having any curry in York.


Bradford has spoilt him.

From: Rich 8 Sep 2007 11:13
To: Mouse 91 of 518

I will be there, and happy to act as Scortesh->English translator type chappie.


Have we decided on a date yet?

From: Mouse 8 Sep 2007 11:34
To: Rich 92 of 518
Thank goodness for that, 20th of October, York.
From: Mouse10 Sep 2007 23:31
To: ALL93 of 518
So, have the people who need to booked their train tickets yet?
From: dyl11 Sep 2007 00:02
To: Mouse 94 of 518
No, that would be far too much like commitment.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Sep 2007 07:10
To: Mouse 95 of 518
What he said ^. Has steve confirmed dog basket status...? I didn't notice.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Sep 2007 07:13
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 96 of 518
What happenend there?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)14 Sep 2007 10:06
To: Manthorp 97 of 518
Oi! Have you found out any more about your Malaysian mediafaggery?
From: Manthorp14 Sep 2007 14:45
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 98 of 518
I have just emailed the powers-that-be that if the conference is on or around the 20th I will not be able to attend as I will be getting shitfaced and jumping off bridges with my online paramours.

So the dog basket is definitively available.

Please could we resumé who wishes to have something put up them be put up for the night? I make it:

Your good self, Kenny

Kos, are you needing a corner of the dog basket? BP? Anybody else?
From: Linn (INDYLS)14 Sep 2007 15:11
To: Manthorp 99 of 518
A quick check at sell-off vactions shows I can get a flight to London for buttons and pocket lint at that time.  Do you happen to know how long a train trip from London to York would be, if I was to do that? And approximately how much it would cost?

From: Mouse14 Sep 2007 15:26
To: Linn (INDYLS) 100 of 518

Couple of hours apparently. Check:

EDITED: 14 Sep 2007 15:27 by MOUSE
From: DrBoff (BOFF)14 Sep 2007 15:32
To: Manthorp 101 of 518
I think we Scottishes maybe need to sort out what train we're getting pretty sharpish so we can get cheap tickets.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)14 Sep 2007 15:33
To: Manthorp 102 of 518
Excellent - I'll have to check what the train situation is; I was getting some very odd results from thetrainline this morning, which suggested that the best way to get to York from Glasgow was via Edinburgh, Carlisle and Newcastle.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)14 Sep 2007 15:36
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 103 of 518
Are you and craig not coming to pick me and Kos up so we can get shitfaced on the train? :( There's currently a lot of work on the tracks are Edinburgh so i think a lot of routes are shitted up at the minute.
From: Linn (INDYLS)14 Sep 2007 15:36
To: Mouse 104 of 518
Oh, thats not so bad, thanks. Do you happen to know if it is necessary to book in advance? 
From: Manthorp14 Sep 2007 15:37
To: Linn (INDYLS) 105 of 518
That would be so cool. York is beautiful, and the Minster is one of the sights you are expected to see 'before you die'*, as is the sight of a dozen whey-faced geeks getting plastered in the middle of the afternoon.

I can promise you a luxurious dog basket of your very own (unless the prospect of sharing it with several hairy Caledonians appeals more...

The cost of the ticket varies with when you book it. Earlier is cheaper, often considerably so.

Mouse has given you the appropriate linkage.

*so bloody morbid, that phrase, as if by visiting a beautiful sight you bring yourself one step closer to death
From: Linn (INDYLS)14 Sep 2007 15:43
To: Manthorp 106 of 518
I'm giving it some very serious thought - thanks so much for the dog basket offer. I could do with a break here, shopping in London, Ministers, and getting plastered with whey-faced geeks sounds just the ticket.
I should know if I can swing it in a day or too.