Northern Meat (now 10th Nov)

From: koswix 6 Sep 2007 14:44
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 75 of 518
I'd guess up to 30 each way for petrol.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 6 Sep 2007 15:29
To: koswix 76 of 518

Hmmm. 500 miles / 47mpg = 10 gallons = 45 litres @ 90p = £40.

Bah, petrol is too expensive. :(
From: koswix 6 Sep 2007 15:43
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 77 of 518

Welcome to the world of cars!


Should have got a diesel :P

From: Dave!! 6 Sep 2007 15:46
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 78 of 518

Well I'm not surprised at the cost for a pair of first class singles.


I've just done a search on there for Croydon to York on Saturday and York to Croydon on Sunday. Standard class, no railcard and £21 each way for a total ticket price of £42.


Now book your tickets and get your arse along :)

From: Voltane 6 Sep 2007 16:47
To: ALL79 of 518



I could possibly make it but i'd have to travel by coach (26.50 return), stay overnight, and possibly be the only sober person apart from PB because of money shortage.


So put me down as a maybe.........

From: Mouse 6 Sep 2007 17:48
To: Voltane 80 of 518
Yeah, because people who have little money at Northern meats never end up drunk.
From: koswix 6 Sep 2007 17:58
To: Mouse 81 of 518

I was skint at the last meat and was positevely sober.


I think. Actually, my memory is a bit hazy so I'm not so sure...

From: Dave!! 6 Sep 2007 21:13
To: koswix 82 of 518
That will have been the Naan overdose kicking in methinks! :)
From: koswix 6 Sep 2007 21:26
To: Dave!! 83 of 518

Mmmm... naan.


God I could eat one to my self right now.

From: Mouse 7 Sep 2007 00:04
To: koswix 84 of 518
No, you could not. Let's not make it 10 drinks you owe me instead of 5.
From: koswix 7 Sep 2007 09:00
To: Mouse 85 of 518
Without beer and curry i Reckon I could...
From: Dave!! 7 Sep 2007 10:40
To: koswix 86 of 518
Although let's face it, a meat isn't really a meat without beer and curry is it now.
EDITED: 7 Sep 2007 10:41 by DAVE!!
From: koswix 7 Sep 2007 10:41
To: Dave!! 87 of 518
True :(
From: Mouse 7 Sep 2007 11:12
To: Dave!! 88 of 518
I'd personally be hesitant about going for a curry in York. It isn't Bradford. I think in the past we've eaten at the Lendal Cellars, although according to some reviews on there it now "smells bad".
EDITED: 7 Sep 2007 11:12 by MOUSE
From: craig (CHARTLEY) 7 Sep 2007 14:15
To: Dave!! 89 of 518

Oh dear there'll be eating of curries?


Sadly I was born with no ability to handle spices and as a result, when eating a curry, sweat bullets and shake whilst drinking gallons of water.


I'll start building myself up now...

From: koswix 7 Sep 2007 14:34
To: craig (CHARTLEY) 90 of 518

Mouse is a curry snob so we probably won't be having any curry in York.


Bradford has spoilt him.

From: Rich 8 Sep 2007 11:13
To: Mouse 91 of 518

I will be there, and happy to act as Scortesh->English translator type chappie.


Have we decided on a date yet?

From: Mouse 8 Sep 2007 11:34
To: Rich 92 of 518
Thank goodness for that, 20th of October, York.
From: Mouse10 Sep 2007 23:31
To: ALL93 of 518
So, have the people who need to booked their train tickets yet?
From: dyl11 Sep 2007 00:02
To: Mouse 94 of 518
No, that would be far too much like commitment.