Northern Meat (now 10th Nov)

From: Dave!!12 Nov 2007 01:12
To: ALL497 of 518
I shall try to upload the few that I took sometime tomorrow as well. :)
From: Manthorp12 Nov 2007 09:04
To: Linn (INDYLS) 498 of 518
It was really lovely to meat you, Lindy. Huge thanks for making that huge investment in time and money to join us. I hope the bridge-jumping wasn't too bad for your heart. X

And thanks to everyone else who came. It was indeed a legendary meat - surely the largest Northern one ever at 14 bottoms (or 27 buttocks, BP's slender keister only counting for one) on seats. It was a delight as ever to shoehorn the overnighters into the dog basket. May says you're all welcome to balance her chop on her forehead for your own entertainment any time.

Also, yoh! to the idea that we hold an extreme northern Scotch meat next year. The Scottishes have made great efforts over the years to visit the warmth and civilisation of England; it's only fair that we should freeze our tits off and fur our arteries feasting on battered lard in return.
From: Linn (INDYLS)12 Nov 2007 09:25
To: Manthorp 499 of 518
Thanks Manny, the pleasure was all mine.  I'd love to do it again (perhaps in Scottish lands).

From: paul12 Nov 2007 12:45
To: Mouse 500 of 518

Congrats dude on organising a swell-looking meat.


Told ya you'd get teh crown.



From: Mouse12 Nov 2007 23:19
To: paul 501 of 518
Ha. Cheers mate. It isn't that hard is it? Just a point of making sure you shout lots if someone suggests changing the date at any point.
From: af (CAER)13 Nov 2007 00:19
To: ALL502 of 518
Incidentally, I don't know whether to be impressed or dismayed that this thread is over 500 posts long.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)13 Nov 2007 07:26
To: af (CAER) 503 of 518
Dismayed, I would think - over half the posts are Mouse weeping.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)13 Nov 2007 19:23
To: Manthorp 504 of 518
Also, yoh! to the idea that we hold an extreme northern Scotch meat next year. The Scottishes have made great efforts over the years to visit the warmth and civilisation of England; it's only fair that we should freeze our tits off and fur our arteries feasting on battered lard in return.

Battered lard dipped in battered lard, with added batter. And lard. But not a Yorkshire pud in sight.

But anyway, yes, people are welcome to come up and visit Scotland, and I can accomodate as many as are willing to occupy the same space, and I'll work it all out some time nearer a suitable meat-time.
From: spinning_plates13 Nov 2007 19:51
To: af (CAER) 505 of 518
Heh. I feel the same way about the fact I have read all of said posts, despite knowing I wasn't going to the meat.
From: craig (CHARTLEY)14 Nov 2007 04:24
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 506 of 518

In addition to Kenny, I can most certainly fit a few people into my flat whenever a meet should happen up here.


Although it wont be as fancy as Mr Manthorp, no pets and/or fancy breakfasts.....

From: Mouse14 Nov 2007 09:12
To: ALL507 of 518
Shouldn't this thread have become unsticky by now?
From: JonCooper14 Nov 2007 12:25
To: Mouse 508 of 518
it claims it is unsticky
From: mr_swayzee16 Nov 2007 02:40
To: ALL509 of 518
Looks like it was fun. Sorry I did not make it but was wroking all that weekend. A Scottish meet might just be the ONLY way to get Trig to come to one. May I sugest Glasgow, where I have a flat, lots ofl lovely wine and some fine cheeses?
From: dyl16 Nov 2007 10:13
To: mr_swayzee 510 of 518

Yes you may because then I will have another reason to come and visit you!


I really will get off my arse and come up sometime. Soon. Though having said that, it might be tricky before January. When would be a good time?

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Nov 2007 11:32
To: dyl 511 of 518
Yay, I want to meat Trig! :D

The first or second weekend in June would probably be good for me. :)
From: craig (CHARTLEY)16 Nov 2007 12:43
To: mr_swayzee 512 of 518

I like the idea of Glasgow... instead of travelling for ages, a short trip on the underground and I'd be at the meet!



From: Mouse16 Nov 2007 13:12
To: craig (CHARTLEY) 513 of 518
I've always wanted to get oop to Galsgow sometime, so I'm in.
From: Dave!!16 Nov 2007 19:15
To: Mouse 514 of 518
Me too. Depending on the time of the meat, I may be able to sort myself out with somewhere to stay overnight there as well, which would be nice!
From: Mouse16 Nov 2007 22:06
To: Dave!! 515 of 518
I may make a weeks holiday oof or summat, whisk Jodi off to Glasgow on romantic week before meeting up with you retrabates.
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