Northern Meat (now 10th Nov)

From: Linn (INDYLS)10 Nov 2007 13:35
To: Mouse 465 of 518

Not really?

edit - I know where the Maltings is, so will find you no problem.
EDITED: 10 Nov 2007 13:40 by INDYLS
From: koswix10 Nov 2007 13:51
To: af (CAER) 466 of 518
No idea where to park - therejs a pretty good electro sign system that should direct you to the car park wirh spaces.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Nov 2007 14:41
To: af (CAER) 467 of 518
Bob will not be coming as he went to his mate's house last night and I can't get in touch with him now :@

Heh, wonder if his friend is my brother - since I can't get in touch with him either. :S

Parking-wise, there's fifteen council carparks, four of which close at 18:30 and lock cars in - so if you don't want that, look for an orange one.
The biggest one (421 bays) is St Georges Field, near Tower Street / Skeldergate Bridge, which is where I'll probably head for.
From: Dave!!11 Nov 2007 02:21
To: ALL468 of 518

Well, that was a damn fucking good meat. Thanks to everyone who attended, no thanks to the NASTY PEOPLE who broke the train signals >:-(


I wonder how vodka-chess is going at Manthrobs...

Message 33076.469 was deleted
From: Linn (INDYLS)11 Nov 2007 10:56
To: ALL470 of 518
Hey to everyone who made it last night. I truly had the best time – it was so great to meet every one of you. Thanks for making me feel so welcome.

For those of you prisoner to delayed trains - I hope you had a safe journey.
Cheers, Linn

(damn, looks like I missed some drunken Kos ramblings up there!)

EDITED: 11 Nov 2007 10:58 by INDYLS
From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Nov 2007 10:58
To: Dave!! 471 of 518

No vodka chess, just lots of whisky and copious amounts of pizza! And now tea and sausage sarnies.


Three cheers for the hospitality of Manthorp Towers!


Hip hip!

From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Nov 2007 11:01
To: Linn (INDYLS) 472 of 518
It was lovely to meet you, Linn. Hope you have fun on the rest of your trip!
From: Linn (INDYLS)11 Nov 2007 11:10
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 473 of 518
Thanks Boff, great meeting you as well. I'm so glad I decided to come.

I'm off now to do more exploring!
From: koswix11 Nov 2007 11:11
To: Linn (INDYLS) 474 of 518
I figured that if I couldn't work out what I was trying to post other people wouldn't have a hope in hell...
From: Mouse11 Nov 2007 14:06
To: ALL475 of 518

Lovely to see everyone and meet new people. I had a really good day.


Parsnip Wine, just say no kids.

From: dyl11 Nov 2007 14:09
To: Linn (INDYLS) 476 of 518
It said (sorry to disrespect your wish to obliterate your drunken nonsense Kos, but I think our gain is greater than your loss, and I happen to have left the thread open in my browser last night)

Please someboy save me. I don't wan't to get into bed with boff. kenny i snaked and wrong.

Please help./
From: Linn (INDYLS)11 Nov 2007 14:28
To: dyl 477 of 518
Hahahaha! I'm trying not to envision Kos wrongly snaking Kenny.  :D  
From: Dave!!11 Nov 2007 15:32
To: dyl 478 of 518
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)11 Nov 2007 15:38
To: ALL479 of 518
Yay! That was a great meet, I had a good time and a good nights sleep too, even with the cymbol incident.

Thankyou Steve & Gill, and Ginger. :)
From: koswix11 Nov 2007 18:57
To: ALL480 of 518
From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Nov 2007 19:00
To: dyl 481 of 518
Kos is the worst snorer I've ever slept with. And at one point he farted right in my face.
From: koswix11 Nov 2007 19:03
To: Linn (INDYLS) 482 of 518

Lovely to meet you Lindy!


And nice to see everyone else again too.


Big thanks to the Manthorp family as always, I don't know how they put up with us tbh x a gigabyte.


Sorry for being a bit loud in the bedroom....

From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Nov 2007 19:08
To: dyl 483 of 518
I've just realise. We were thrown by the fact that we were sleeping with a snake too. But that's "Kenny is naked". Which he was, at one point.
From: craig (CHARTLEY)11 Nov 2007 19:43
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 484 of 518

Kos does indeed snore very, very loudly. As for the farting, I can not comment, I was blessedly further away from him than poor old Boff.


Well played all, and many, many thanks to Manthorp + family.


<doffs cap and bows>